We've seen huge piles of inventory,the large increase of equipment since Jan 2011(when they already had reportedly 27 pieces of major equipment) and so grajekk and I have estimated ca 500k tons inventory-utilizing historical ratios of 3-18 to 1 to 3 and 1 to 3 to 0-1 would result in 2.2 million tons of inventory but I try to be conservative. They reportedly had 200k tons of waste materials for sinter fines and fert by May/June 2012 when they acquired the trommel to process that.
500k tons at present price of ca 122/ton would be 61 million dollars! And yet at a pps of .0007 times the entire share count that would be only 3 million! So I dont know why some sell except to flip-except the entire market operates like one huge promo-everybody chasing the latest promo-which very few ever profit from.
And the fert is worth more than regular ore. Even though you can get really inferior fert on the not ready for prime time catalog known as alibaba,most fert brings much higher prices. CWRN publicly reported the possibility of a fert plant JV w OMRI onsite -such enhanced fert sells for 330-550/ton (CWRN hasnt processed it to that level but its ready for sale as is-bingo says here its worth 3 times more than ore price as of 9-8-12-which was I think near the low-so if ore was only 90 at the time that would be 270/ton for fert (ore bottomed out at ca 86.70)
see trommel calculations post in stickies-probably have 150k tons fert by now-at even 200/ton that would be 30 mill just for the fert-which greatly exceeds CWRN's cost of production obviously giving CWRN a negative cost of production! Not at all surprising when some juniors have negative cost due to premium ore alone.

The Fertilizer has the highest element at Fe, thus it is considered Iron Ore, the export permit was issued for China only, have to add U.S.A. ; however, as simple as that may sound, it’s a F**king Nightmare.. New change in the Government is taking place now after the election and nothing is getting done… Working on it.. The fertilizer has 3 times more value than the Grade A iron for the Steel Mills at current market conditions, ..