It's not the politicians I am irate with as they are what they are (and I view them as near the bottom rung on the ethical/moral/capable ladder); it is the nearly illiterate American voter who keeps putting these crooks into office, even after they have shown their true stripes.
There is a famous line that states a democracy/republic cannot last without an educated electorate; as such I fear for America's future. To be totally politically incorrect, I believe there should be a test for a citizen to have the right to vote. Voting materials only in English. If they live off public welfare, no vote. If they can't pass a basic test on issues, no vote. Voting now has seemingly turned into a media hype as though we are voting on Dancing with the Stars and whoever looks the best gets our vote, regardless of the substance behind the candidates.
Example: We had a US representative who questioned a Navy Admiral on building additional facilities on Guam as he was worried the island would tip over and everyone would drown and this ignoramus is determining our fate?
I keep talking to all these high schoolers and young adults that got 100%+ in school and very few I find to be anything other than mediocre in ability. They've dumbed down the SAT test, grades get handed out so as not to injure the student's fragile ego, we don't keep score in sports events so children don't ever feel the sting of losing, etc. If the future belongs to the young I pity America. Doubt if anyone will agree with this post. I do agree there are cases with great young people, just the majority seem pretty lightweight to these old eyes. I also feel a college degree is the most wasted money spent by 95% of those attaining a diploma. Have absolute disdain for the vast majority of the intellectual elite who have no business practice and wouldn't know how to function in real society. Quite a lot of them total social misfits IMO. Rant over. Thank you. LOL as I read this.
Edit: Only posted this in response to BJ's post.