Good Write Up From robey743 a TNR/MUX Investor
I don't know how accurate this is but the passion,is sure there. Thanks robey743
Zooloo & All
Maybe this will help.
Stockhouse Summary
Shares Out – 147,816,447
Market Cap – $13.3 million
Latest TNR Presentation
65% Owned by Insiders and Management = 96,080,691 shares*
14% Institutional Holdings
21% Retail Investors
*I calculated the totals and added the Retail Investors share numbers.
From the above, if there is an offer made, or a JV Proposal made, insiders and management control the outcome due to 65% ownership. There will be no hostile take-over of TNR.
$.10 Stock Options Available
1) Expire – November 1, 2012
300,000 shares @ $.10 share
2) Expire – April 9, 2013
75,000 shares @ $.10 share
3) Expire – September 2, 2013 --- 1,000,000 shares @ $.10 share
4) Expire – March 19, 2014
430,000 shares @ $.10 share
5) Expire – May 20, 2014
1,450,000 shares @ $.10 share
A) Expire – January 18, 2013
1,720,000 shares @ $.25 share
Expire – September 10, 2014
400,000 shares @ $.25 share
C) Expire – January 5, 2015
2,500,000 shares @ $.30 share
D) Expire – January 7, 2015
400,000 shares @ $.25 share
Simplifying the Options issue:
#1) above, date has expired. There may be an additional 300,000 shares Issued & Outstanding, if all 300,000 options were exercised.
#2) above, if share price exceeds $.10 prior to expiration date – Or 1 or 2 weeks before expiration date – options will be exercised. IMO it’s not likely that these options are being exercised now.
#3) to #5) above, same as #2)
#A), # & #D) above, if share price exceeds $.25 prior to expiration date – Or 1 or 2 weeks before expiration date – options will be exercised. IMO it’s not likely that these options are being exercised now.
#C) above, if share price exceeds $.30 prior to expiration date – Or 1 or 2 weeks before expiration date – options will be exercised. IMO it’s not likely that these options are being exercised now.
In the event of a sale of Company, (TNR) or a spin-off and/or sale of Los Azules and money received for same results in an increase of share price that exceeds the option price(s), the options could be exercised early.
If, for any reason, the share price grows above the values set in the options, the options could be exercised early.
There is mention here of MMs, (market makers) being in control. If you are current with the news you should know that HFT, (High Frequency Traders) have supplanted MMs. MMs can’t compete with the speed of the HFTs.
It’s quite possible that HFT programs are attempting, (and sometimes succeeding) in reducing the share price. However, I think the share price may be – Not just by worried investors that are selling and moving on – Some investors are setting close stop losses on their shares, (maybe $.01 below current share price) then they leave for the day, or do whatever. HFTs exploit this practice, they can trigger your stop loss and be gone in a flash – The investor later finds that the share price has dropped,,, and thank goodness his/her stop loss saved him/her from losing more than he/she would accept, not realizing that it was his/her stop loss that was responsible for the drop in share price.
Shorts attacking the stock price? Personally, I have trouble believing that; they would have to have testicles as big as basketballs – Sorry ladies, if you are present, I don’t think a woman would do such a foolish thing – Considering the low number of shares open to trade, (see above) and the presence of the HFTs…. But, I could be wrong.
Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/bullboards/messaged...FLEbQ0w.99