Us "lefties" understand there will be spazzes out there that will use this for political statements, much like the Papa Johns guy did. When the math is run on this stuff it is not nearly as bad as its made out to be. BESIDES, Health care costs have been rising 10-20% for DECADES year over year and we have done nothing. People dont seem to realize that the government has to step in and do something as a huge part of its budget is dedicated to health care. That and our country gets far less care for the dollar than MANY other countries. We still have the best care at the top of the chain, but not everyone gets to see that. And with Obamacare, those with preexisting conditions cant be denied coverage. How about you read some of the stories of people who cant get health care due to no fault of their own....they have hope now. And the rest of us already pay a 10-15% premium on those who dont have health insurance, so we mine as well get something from them.
Obamacare is the start of a step in the right direction. More people have a chance at have a healthier life, and the cost curve has already diminished. And Obamacare is just winding up. AND it could have been SOOOO much better if people like you, and the people you vote for and their corporate lobbyists, didnt water down the legislation.
AS a small business owner, we pay 50-60k a year for health care for our people, and we are a pizza chain franchisee. Im tickled to death the government has stepped in to try and stop the exploding costs of health care, and every other business owner should be as well. For some there will be an investment on the front end, but it will save us down the road. Doing absolutely nothing, which *****IS***** the alternative out there by the wingnuts, has been what weve been doing for decades, and thats made the Health Insurance companies filthy rich at the expense of others, as well as other entities in the health care sector. Its a complete travesty that people WITH insurance can go Bankrupt in this day and age if something serious happens to them. Theres been countless cases of retirements being wiped out, and you want to do nothing!