he's saying to put this lie to rest yet! he goes on about it with his verbal diarrhea. As much as he "thinks" he understands how business is run I don't think he does. what his expectations are of Jeff and what is actually done are two different things.
I believe many have lost sight of the fact: a "non" reporting company isn't required to state anything and nothing is required to be audited. This is something people should have understood as being a risk when buying a penny. many have overlooked this detail.
Secondly, we should be graced that he did post pr's and legal documents as verifiable to the extent that he was able according to SEC regulation. What people think to be moral appropriate conduct or business conduct doesn't necessarily fall in line with reality.
Those like wolfman and homowork, lilljeff and a host of others bought into this company without fully realizing the risk and not knowing the full story. Now they are all pissy because their little world of existence didn't come to fruition.
Jeff is going to pull this company through as he did in the past. Unfortunately the pink sheet forum brings with it a nasty smell which many have tainted and as a result the many bad apples have spoiled it for the one good apple.