read past posts-planned on audited by April 2011
but in Jan 2011 when market forces took over shorters fraudulently shouted "newsletter promotion" to otc -who looked at rapidly rising pps which usually doesnt happen without news promo so they slapped improper class like they do to hundreds of pennies-
and then otc throws down a gauntlet of requirements partially motivated by their financial conflict of interest-otc is a FOR PROFIT co (not a regulatory body) that makes money off otc filings -so they slap these co's w ce to try to force them to upgrade and jump several classes to current class----they wont allow the co's to upgrade just to no info or limited info categories-they blackmail them demanding upgrade all way to current class (highest pink class) that take these co's over 1 yr to fulfill.
Without fulfilling those other requirements audited financials would have NO effect in removing the improper class so their SEC adviser advised uplisting to otcbb-which takes these co's probably 18 months on average from this class.
After I saw the huge expansion in the Oct pics I figured it would be order 4 or 5 before buyback began due to equipment needs-and they've added equipment that will at least triple production just last few months-so buyback but no expansion and no BAO -or expansion and then buyback. And they are now working on order 5
The production side is doing great -but we dont have market forces here-depressed by dtc/broker/shoter/otc games-only had totally unhindered market forces for a few days Jan 2011- at which time ppps was rising 85% /day-which I expect again w financials and uplisting
but as I said many are pressing Bob to delay financials so they have more time to buy-so we need to remind him of his promises the last year re "a major move very soon" and "investors will be rewarded in a few months" which is 1 of reasons I didnt sell and May PR re uplisting and Nov 10 PR re dont see themselves on pinks past 2011 etc.
Because we need a return of market forces-but I need help in reminding Bob of these things.