That's exactly what I was trying to point out to DJ. This is a Battle Ground, not a Sound of Music talk board. We're dealing with unscrupulous , lying, cheating bashers who are trying to take dwn. a solid operating honest co. KMAG and its' CEO aren't to blame for what has gone dwn we all know who is trying to influence new investors not to invest due to their own greed. They don't understand English obviously, so it's time to bring out the big guns!! "Vulgarity", maybe that shall phase em? Think of it as when Pearl Harbour was bombed by the Japanese, solution, bring out the big gun, seems to have stopped them dead in their tracks. KABOOM, MUSHROOM CLOUD.
So although "Vugarities" may be offensive to some, we have to remember what their mission is and counter attack with what we can mustar up in any shape or form.