You still haven't directly answered a single one of my points, you ignored my invitation to estimate BPD and API, and now you are claiming to be a scientist.
Answer my points on the line by line, give me your estimate, and share with us where you your scientific credentials, I am sure they are impressive.
I have reposted my comments from early to make it easier for you to respond. Go ahead, it's Friday, I'm done trading for the week and am eager to have you enlighten the board with your insights.
From earlier
Once and for all you should sell your shares, you do own shares right? You also ignored multiple points:
1. Data is being saved for release with 10 Q
2. That's probably 171 bpd flow in that photo
3. Modern seismic is 90% accurate unlike 1998 seismic
4. Coloration indicates it's not 1/24th oil (by the way Treaty would not have posted the photo if it was spewing water)
5. You conceded the point that the 1998 wells were a miss of the reservoir rock
I'll be a fair sport, make your prediction on the BPD and the quality of the oil. If you are right I'll will Pay Pal you 100 bucks. Sound like a deal?