Sorry to hear about your situation.
Maybe this would help with your parents:
I and many others on this board have spent hours and days digging into this company. If there were truly big glaring omissions, they would have been pointed out by us or the basher. I am a long not because I am part of the KMAG cult, but because I truly believe this stock with some major legs on this. From everything I have heard and seen the stock was suspended due a single questionable PR. If you look at the SEC history suspensions are way past their historical norm. I can't believe with that rapid of a rise of suspensions some good companies haven't been caught up with the bad. I am not a risk taker in the market, I am a very conservative investor. This is the 1st and most likely only pink stock I have purchased. If anything I should be selling like mad not buying, but for everything that has happened I haven't seen a change in what matters the fundamentals and the managements ability to execute. Now I know some will say JR silence is proof enough that something is wrong. I think that is disingenuous. He released update financials under the watch of the SEC and laid out his plan. As we have seen from other CEOs this is not a quick process, and considering how we got to be in the mess I 100% understand and support the fact that JR has been quiet. Why add fuel to the fire you are trying to put out. Only thing that matters right now and that is returning to the pinks. Once there revenue and profits talk, investors will come and PPS goes up. I don't care how many bashers you have if you have a company that is making money hand over fist their will be investors.
At this point I am looking at a risk / reward. I am down about 80%. Now sure things can go down and I might lose that remaining 20%. But that 20% to be honest isn't a lot of money anymore. Should this come back and JR is successful I think seeing 1-2 cents is EXTREMELY conservative. To me it is a no brainer, but you have to do what is best for you financial situation. I would ask that if you do sell. Talk to a couple longs who are buying and lets see if we can't keep these shares in the family.