Sources of information; if only one was accurate!! Meaning the 10 K,. one thing we know; it will be here! That said, I like to give my opinion in reference to the outstanding shares, and potential PPS ! Let me give an comparison, and why it's not going to be so difficult to climb the PPS ladder with an OS Larger than the other MMJ plays; * Mind you, I'm talking Pure Volume barometer; not the different revenue streams, more or less; just buying frenzy of shares alone; Hemp has 800 Million shares OS, and RFMK has 50 to 100 Percent More shares; Today hemp hit .06, lets say RFMK had the same amount of buying, than RFMK Would have a PPS of 50% Less than Hemp; because RFMK has almost twice the shares! Now Lets say RFMK Commands twice or three times as much buying of shares as compared to Hemp; than RFMK Would Trade at .06 to .09 Respectfully !! Yoda, you get it; in case I lost a few. Let me give another comparison; lets pick a nice
one with a high PPS; Lets Say MJNA, with an Outstanding shares of 560 Million, Their PPS Hit .12 Today; RFMK Would need to Trade around Twice the volume of MJNA (On Buy Side), to Obtain PPS of .12 If RFMK Traded 3 times the volume the PPS Potential could be 18.
ANOTHER WORDS, FOR THE MOST PART, RFMK HAS TWICE AS MANY SHARES AS THE REST OF THE MMJ PLAYS!! NOT A TREMENDOUS BIG DEAL IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS; FIRST OFF, We been hearing more and more frequently that there are not many cannabis companies to invest into; when we refer to other pink plays, there is NO COMPARISON ; Because RFMK, and the Other Non Reporting canabis plays are Few, These few ARE THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN; YOU CANNOT COMPARE TO ANOTHER PINK HAVING 1.4 BILLION SHARES OS! JUST CANT DO IT!! DID EVERYONE WATCH THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW,. SHE POINTS OUT THE SCARCE COMPANIES TO INVEST IN REGARDS TO CANNABIS; I THINK if RFMK had 5 BILLION SHARES WE still HIT MULTIPLE PENNIES, AND THAN SOME ( DON'T get me wrong,. i dont want the OS increasing a single shares) im just making a point . RFMK's OS Is Not Alot in the Grand scheme of things; rfmk will have such a head start in Market share,. will draw possibly Hundreds of thousands of investors, ALL WANTING TO BUY 1000 shares; 10,000 shares on average; than you get the bigger boys who will burry millions of shares!! there is no reason to sweat this OS,. The OS is Almost Non Existent in the Grand scheme of things!! we are good my friends!! watch the MSNBC /Maddow show again!! read the LA WEEKLY, or the CNN Piece!! Look at this trifecta of Media Outlets I just named covering RFMK, and it's just the beginning!! RFMK IS ANY DAY! and WILL LIGHT THE BOARDS UP LIKE A CHRISTMAS TREE!! RFMK imo WILL BE NUMERO UNO!!