Steve, the bottom line is that we, the shareholders, need to see results of this better deal on funding due to increased authorized shares, in a timely manner. Otherwise, it just looks terrible. You have to consider where we are right at this moment, we have just seen a Q in which revenues haven't really caught on yet and we have a very low stock price (which most expected and that is perfectly fine), but then we see an unprecedented increase in the number of authorized shares. From the outside, where everyone other than you and the company officers are, it looks absolutely terrible. If it really is great for the company like you say I really hope you have planned to prove that to the investment community in a timely manner. Otherwise it looks like any other penny stock that increases the shares dramatically, and I am sure in your experience you know that it really never goes well for any other company. Every company that does it believes it to be in the company's best interest just like you do. You MUST show us why this is different.
Proving why it is such a good thing is even more necessary after you defended the increase from 500M to 2B very strongly in the past. 2B was hard to accept. We trusted you and followed you based on the 2 Billion. Now this is an entirely different ballgame. What was a sensitive topic in the past has just been DOUBLED. I hope that you have a plan to publicly prove why this was good for investors very soon.