Good Morning all CWRN faithful. JMO here but I think the entire shippment without transport vessel is puzzling. Probably due to the lack of proof of several trucks leaving the mine (I think Rocket swowed 1 being loaded). We don't have an update of what is at the port. Buying FOB is one thing but on the dock for months and paying for it just sounds off. I have tried via email to get these answers from Bob but when I ask questions he generally will vaguely answer 1 of them and thank me for being a shareholder. Maybe we can coordinate 3 or 4 or us sending separate emails with single questions and see if we can piece this together. Just need concrete answers. If anyone is in for that let me know. Maybe we can coordinate it thru Microcaps or Masscommuter they have my email. Or PM me yours and we can set it up if anyone else thinks it is a good idea.