Thanks fellas. Yes! Things look fine from what I can tell.
I didn't press Rob for any further info, but it should arrive soon. On Saddlebrook, while it's a small piece, I'm not looking for the revenue as much as credible commitments from the leadership. I thought it was a strong statement in the video with Ben and Rocco that they expected to sell all units by year-end, but there are real buyers in the last 1-2 months, discussing online.
UDHI and Drinkable are working together directly now since EEDG terminated the Dutchess deal. Nov 6 PR below. I'm assuming this doesn't represent any kind of shift in EEDG's relationship with Drinkable Air, but the real reason seems murky.
Ghana has a presidential election on 12/07/12 which could be a factor in any delays on the Africa Initiative. I know from a friend working on govt contracts at home in Ghana, this has put his work temporarily on hold.
Will just be sitting tight. With a little luck, the downdraft has been a lot of retail shorting. When they eventually cover, they'll be pushing it right back to where they sold it if things are quiet. If there's news, IMO they'll be taking us well over our highs.
Best of luck all. This is a great place to have a more open conversation imho.