I emailed Andrew Reid this evening at 3:30pm. He responded at 4:05pm, a whole 30 minutes later. It was about this drilling rig that Mack Maxcey says is his and Treaty and Andrew stole from him. Andrew assured me that Treaty purchased this rig in Kentucky, and that when they bought it, the rig had been reposed. He also assured me that Treaty has a clear title and that he would look into these allegations. My initial investment, $10,000. Money I have made from selling some on the runs and buying back at the lows, $30,000. The CEO of said company responding to my email in 30 minutes, PRICELESS. Folks, I don't know how long it will take for this to skyrocket, but I know how long I will wait. Probably not the best tool for investing, but my gut tells me we are in the chips$$$$$. ROLL TECO ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!