Illest, that is a great point.
"...there's too much money in this for them to not want to take advantage..."
I think its very interesting to remember too that the hedge fund backing Cheryl's Green Assets, now effectively MCM, had leveraged about $10M to effectively have about $100M to invest into the new emerging MMJ and MJ industry. Now we see where Cheryl's first strategic target was all along, MCM. She has now positioned herself to not only be an active investor into the growing industry but also to actively participate and work in it via helping emerging MJ businesses via MCM. I think it is rather silly for anyone to have the opinion that MCM will not be successful. To me it is a NO BRAINER!!!
One of the greatest factors in the likelyhood of a company getting off the ground and becoming a success is MONEY. Hmmm, who has $100,000,000 to invest into the sector?! Cheryl Shuman!
I think its not only about the people on the inside making things happen desiring to milk these new opportunities in a brand new growing industry but also for us investors just simply following the big money in. Forget about little money mike, for investors the ones to follow are the real backers with millions to invest and we RFMK shareholders do not have to look very far and see that our very own Cheryl Shuman has all the connections and money to make MCM and thus RFMK a HUGE success!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$