I have an interest for ignorance and people pretending to know what they are talking about. Ever hear those athletes or singers use really big words to the masses to sound intelligent? Then the educated people sit back and laugh, kind of the same thing. If some of the posters would actually have a respectful debate without discrediting everything to “motive,” “shorter,” and “paid basher” as their retort you might actually get some useful information exchanged.
I quit posting on the other board because apparently people see my post with a correlation of the stock price which in itself is absurd to think a poster can drop a stock price 52% in weeks. But I think it makes the “longs” feel better to lay the blame, so I stepped away. I mean I have been telling a group about how wrong they are about what they are saying presenting links and excerpts of the company’s financials for them all to take personal shots at me and discredit factual information with no relevant objection. When the market is proving me right they get more upset. Of course I am going to stick around to see it play out. If the board was more respectful I would have left when I sold my last share.
Nobody reads or post here except the “longs” so I am not doing any harm to the company. I am assuming the longs would rather me post here than the other board. As far as interest in the stock goes I have some interest in if the Q1 is going to report over 70k in revenue (which I believe it will not), then I may consider a reentry price, but I doubt it will be anything close to where ANDI is trading now.