That is interesting. The FTC is focused on the anti competitive dealings. Ama support is good and it has been obvious this is how big pharma wokrs against the publics interest.
If you hadn't, read the divestiture agreements I posted here. There are two. One is the agreement and one is the summary of the agreement. Can't link right now...
Mikah is getting all the rights to Isradipine and Watson is the only competitor. Now what will Mikah do? Can Actavis/Watson still distribute Mikahs drug? Or is that anti-competitive? Obviously it is....Loxapine is in the same boat too but waiting to hear more on Loxapine which shows as discontinued ANDA for Mikah. Mikah shows it as approved. I think there is at least one more shoe to drop on this deal. Mikah can't sit on Isradipine or there will be anti-trust issues. I also wonder if the Mikah product MIK001 has something to do with these...
Phendimetrazine will be marketed and distributed by Actavis for Elite/Mikah. Epic has one of the products too and that one is already approved and being distributed. You can look it up in the orange book I believe. Spelled like Triminipine Maleate...