Utah Senator Stressing The Improtance Of Utah Oil Sands
MCW at the right place: In the past, light sweet crude dominated global oil production. But that is now making room for oil sands, oil shale, natural gas and other unconventional oil products – abundant oil from oil sands now flow from Canada, making Canada second only to Saudi Arabia in proven oil reserves and has emerged as the top energy supplier to the U.S. . In fact, there have been times that as much as 40 percent of the oil refined and sold in Utah has come from Alberta oil sands. This is part of a geopolitical shift taking place away from the Middle East and toward the area with the largest, best and most accessible unconventional resources – North America. And much of that is located right here in our own great state of Utah. A recent U.S. Department of Energy survey conservatively estimates that recoverable oil from oil shale in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming totals more than 800 billion barrels.