Posted On: 08/06/2014 9:34:06 AM
Post# of 101

SLTD Stock updates
If people want to show fear so be it. I'm with moon retrace head back & test .25 then say goodbye off to $1.00.
This story is just starting to show legs. I still keep thinking about the early release of Q2 & why and funny how it was before all the biggies reported. Then we have a run up during this period. Then this sets up for the rest of SLTD news after everyone reports the end of the month. Plan? Why? For what? This is getting good.
Come on Patent. Come on Partner. Come on Commercialization.
Come on Acquisition(s). All this means taking business from someone which means Revenue, higher margins lower costs and most of all more profits.
First Solar intensely focused on increasing efficiency of its solar cells over the last few years, ever since it realized it could lose its competitive edge big time if it failed to do so.
check out the full article
We have a good one here.
Bid 5000 @ .1951 ask 25000 @ .1999
not bashing.
but cant wait to play this retrace.
might even keep the flip.
The real kicker is first solar saw profits of 4.5 million and are valued at 6 billion. At that rate we are invested in a billion dollar company. AKA after final dilution for the end of the year that's just over 2 dollars a share
Very excited for this stock, most pennies don't generate revenue like this company does. I'm used to bio stocks where they don't start generating rev for a long time and burn through cash. Q3 I suspect will be fantastic and show even more growth. $SLTD
Bid going up to .194 now. Looking good for the day, despite the noise. Let's see if it breaks .20 again.
.195 x .197 as we speak
First Solar Buys Solar startup TetraSun for their efficient Solar Cell technology!
Here's the kicker, Solar3D's solar cell is more efficient than TetraSun and Solar3d is in currently Talks with all the major Solar panel manufacturers!
Thanks Tim, for the very good post; a voice of reason
.19 X .195 Solar3D Inc(OTCMKTS:SLTD) enjoyed a three cent gain during yesterday’s trading, rising 18.87% to finish at a closing price of $0.19. The California-based development stage company’s new mark represents a new three month high for the stock, a fact which becomes even more significant when considering the fact that its value has tripled since it closed at a price of $0.06 on July 21st, 2014. Solar3D also traded for as much as $0.2040 during the day, representing the first time the stock has crossed the $0.20 mark since 2011
I have already posted an article from hotstocked which clearly explains it was not a pump and dump... no need for further comment. and i will not comment more on it as i have limited posts.
It has nothing to do with us and will only stir up more problems and fear. Read my post which I wrote about 30 minutes ago or so...It is not a topic for this board. Leave it alone.
why did you delete my post? it was not a pump or bash post just reporting on something that i thought was favorable for us longs here on sltd?
I could sticky it if the others agree to it. Although there are more reasons that need to be added to why this stock is going up. I wrote that post in less than 5 minutes without much thought. So, I welcome additions to the post and anyone can copy and paste what I have written and add more to it...
I will say this though, any topics today about HotStockAce, pumping, prison, etc. will all be deleted by me if not first by another moderator.
I woke up this morning with about 100 posts in which most were non-sense. I hope we can all put this stupid topic behind us.
P.S. Hotstocked is usually an opponent of all penny stocks too but that article seems like it lightened up on the fact it is becoming a good stock...
Thanks for being rational! Can you "sticky" your post? When people do their DD they will discover there are other reasons to make this a good time for SLTD. The recent change to Chinese solar tariffs, the recent solar boom, and the nervous jitters of the past week in the market overall also make this a perfect storm for SLTD. In my humble opinion. Go Long!
Not to worry DN216
I need to let small amounts go on the way up.But not until really great news with stock appreciation. I will leave much on the table for the long term.
This is a good article to put an end to the pumping theory here at SLTD.
Just so everyone knows, I have taken the liberty to delete all the non-sense posts and concerns about stock pumping here and will continue to do so until you all realize it is pure stupidity to believe this is a stock pump.
1. SLTD has revenue, major revenue for a penny stock.
2. They are on the verge of signing a contract possibly with a huge manufacturer.
3. Patent pending, any day now we hope it is granted.
4. They have a huge backlog of work. Much more work on backlog than any other penny land stock!
If these are not good enough reasons for a stock to go up, then I dont know what the hell is good enough! You all need to quit being hysterical about such non-sense. Who cares if HotStockAce was here or not! He was a bit late to the party in fact and we went up before he was here.
Today of course some of you may have already decided to sell your stock but that probably won't contribute so much to the price going down today. I believe this stock is on the radar's of more and more individuals each day. The higher it rises, the more DD people do and realize "hey, why wasn't I in this before?"
Finally, I just want to say to everyone: Don't be an idiot and believe everything you read here on IHub. If you do, then you shouldn't be investing in stocks!
#3 pick today!!!
What a difference a day makes??
Anyway the wind blows...
Hey MONEY RUNNERS are you a SCAM in SLTD???
Christopher Mrowca, a stock promoter who operates Money Runners Group LLC, which has an affiliated stock promotion website called He lives in Bradenton, Fla.
Shorts going to get burned here!!!! Nothing but a solid Q2 released that is taking this to new high!! Check the facts. Read the stickies. Do some research don't listen to the bashers or the pump theories here....
I can safely say that your stock advice is probably the least scary here, because you always seem to flip flop by the hour. Now, if R-8 Pilot or renov8 sell their shares (or any other million+ share users), I'll start worrying.
MoneyRunners were late to SLTD and didn't post or tweet anything about SLTD Tuesday (they were busy) and SLTD still surged above .20, so I wouldn't give MoneyRunners too much credit for SLTD's nice run from .07
Next resistance is .25, SLTD's all time high then we run to $1.
It's a nothing burger. Our volume and investor quality is way beyond a simple pump....if we see a little consolidation it'll just be a small healthy retrace....but I'm crossing fingers for the news and massive short squeeze!!!
It's totally relative to SLTD. It's a video chart showing what he feels is a support/resistance on the chart based on simple Fibonacci's...
* * $SLTD Video Chart 8-5-14 * *
Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video
RSI is oversold right now too.
i saw this one earlier and it had me laughing all day; one of the best freudian slips of all time!! Go SLTD, to da friggin moon
hehe...I'm just hoping we hold .17 while we await the next PR. My thoughts are we will receive a PR about another SUNworks contract first, then maybe the news about the acquisition target. I think they will hold off on the manufacturing partner release until they can package it to come out along with the Patent update. I would love for one each week (the package on the 20th).
Maybe the red day comes after that very last comma in the list. How many green days come before that? Hehe.
Although, I think it might be good to go sideways again for a few days, in a very short range. Unless we get a new PR that is.
With at least 3 more major catalysts.
Why on earth would anyone think of checking out now?
Question you have to ask yourself - are any or all these together capable of at the very least doubling the pps? I think so.
Wow! And this isn't even the big news.
I sure would not want to tell my grand kids I sold game changing technology for less than a quarter. Ouch!
Pull back I'll buy we aren't even in the 4th inning yet.
With the potential for news release shortly I for one am not going to be left on the sidelines.
Forgive my analogy watching a ballgame.
Come on CHR6IS! You need to give the flippers/traders at least one RED day...LOL
You're a god if it turns out you called it right, and if not well, I applaud the effort!
Bucky...can you find a nut closer to a dollar!? lol
Good call!
Boom. Well done
Another point to keep in mind is that PLUG has 170M shares outstanding, and SLTD has 300M. Let's meet in the middle and say SLTD could be around $2.60 a share, if it was a direct comparison with PLUG's share structure and assuming SLTD&PLUG's financial are more or less equal.
Good comparison. It would be a great comparison if you acknowledged that PLUG has fewer shares issued and did the math to equalize them. Also, SLTD has a lot of guaranteed dilution (more shares) in the pipeline from the convertible promissory notes. So, should really factor in an extra 100 million shares for SLTD. Even if you do all that, I think SLTD still comes out smelling pretty.
Compare SLTD's Q2 earnings to Plug's Q1 earnings
SLTD - Trading at .19 cents
$223K Net Income Applicable To Common Shares
PLUG - Trading at $5.32
(- $75M) NEGATIVE - $75 MILLION Net Income Applicable To Common Shares !!!! Less
You can't cry about unrealized gains or losses...that's why I don't actively trade. Too risky... Of course if your company is wildly overvalued you should have a good exit strategy. In this case we are nowhere near overvalued...
A real life true story (Why I take profit)
I have only blown up my account once. I was invested in PLUG and I had bought about $6k worth when the price was pretty damn low. Anyhow, I was so excited about the future of PLUG and the stock was blazing along at break neck speed and every day I was more and more excited. I watch a few days where my portfolio was up 20k a day and watched as it hit it's 11.72 high. Anyhow once it hit the high I was up about 98k and then the hit piece came out calling PLUG a casino stock and the price started going down. I watched it go down that day by almost 50% and kept telling myself that at any moment it will go back up. Well I lost almost 45k that day by "Holding my shares". I could have sold at $11.00 and bought back in later at $5.00 and doubled my share count. I lost that day almost what I make in a year at work on a 9-5 job. Now does it make sense?
Also, people were saying to take profits when the stock was around .09. I don't see those posters anymore
You are absolutely right moonshine. A short squeeze could definitely happen the way this is currently set up.
Pointing out positives IS NOT necessarily pumping.
Pointing out negatives IS NOT necessarily flaming.
I think we have a customer! Best partner?
First Solar beats its own solar cell record, again
First Solar is on a race to boost its core technology and remain a major player in the market.
First Solar has been intensely focused on increasing the efficiency of its solar cells over the last few years, ever since it realized it could lose its competitive edge big time if it failed to do so. The bellwether solar company, which makes cells from the material cadmium-telluride, on Tuesday announced a new world record for its cadmium-telluride cell that shows the company will remain a dominant player for many more years.
First Solar’s researchers created a lab cell that can convert 21 percent of the sunlight that hits it into electricity, which is an improvement from the 20.4 percent record cell they achieved in February this year. The latest milestone puts cadmium-telluride ahead of the emerging material copper-indium-gallium-arsenide (CIGS), which is a thin film material that once attracted billions of dollars in venture capital but hasn’t lived up to its promise.
A few times here and on the yahoo board. You sold but continue to ridicule those that are holding on claiming they are pumpers and that they are silly not taking profits. To me it sounds like you are worried the stock could take off without you so you want to subtly bash on hopes of suppressing the stock price. I've been on these boards for years so I know what you are doing
I'm talking in the next week. Yes I believe the stock will be upwards of $20.00 within a couple years and maybe sooner.
I have not said this is going to $10.00 or something stupid like others.
Why can't it go to $10?
It IS going that far...
Longs, and new investors: don't use stop loses on a day like tomorrow. If manipulated, stock will plummet quickly. GLTA! Don't give up your shares.
Who's pumping?
I have not said this is going to $10.00 or something stupid like others. I like the stock and have said as much but I believe in taking profits and not watching a stock drop. I also plan on returning if and when it does and am not ashamed of that. Too many immature folks on here betting on a zillion dollar return and holding way past the time they should.
Sltd had won some nice contracts lately. Solar is one of the more exciting new markets around . Right place, right time. Solar market growing like crazy
Not even thinking about selling!! Bashers can't effect this as it's way bigger than they are!
Sold all my sorry ass plug shares and added more SLTD today!
Stock tits banned me for mentioning SLTD on the plug board
The last few weeks have seen HUGE volume... and once Monkey runners slung their rag out, the shorts KNOW that they usually ONLY promote garbage and get on board after a run. This ISN'T garbage, so it CAN keep going!!
The Daily Short volume has been 30-40%!!!! (People trying to clean up after a run) DON'T LET THEM!!!
If people don't get scared and sell, and more buy in, this could be the EPIC short squeeze of the year!!!!
Look at the proof, do the math yourself!!
Hard To borrow stock, major run up, very large short volume!! Buying in now forces them to cover and pushes the stock even HIGHER!!!
Check out the Daily Short Report here:
Well, when you pump hard and then sell it makes you look like a pumper/dumper and you lose credibility. Also, when you then come back and have a negative tone, it makes it even worse. I'm not sure why you are surprised about the reaction. I'm sure you would feel the same if you were still in
Shhhhh Don't tell anyone you sold!!
I got lambasted on yahoo boards for admitting I sold my position and would buy back in if things looked good. Said I should not ever admit to making a profit. What a joke.... Guess I should just hold until it corrects tomorrow and goes back to .14 and let someone else have the money.
When there's blood in the water, the sharks come to play. This might consolidate some then continue the trend. CEO should stay on his toes and guide the ship because with the amount of money this has been trading, alotta eyes on it now.
No bro don't want that hear just was wondering.... Wish you the best
This is the worst attempt to lower the price of a stock I've ever seen. You missed your cheap shares.
Yawn, okay fella
This is a good growing company going to be a monster soon. The bashers here must of sold and were hoping for it to drop back to buy back in. This will be much higher as the days go by. I am long with my shares. GLTA with SLTD.
Obviously no DD involved.
Sltd is clean stop doomsaying
Time to short a stock they think will go down, that's all.
Shorties in the house. Whoop whoop
I'd be happy with $500M and the pps around $1.67!
I added more today also. Not to repeat myself but, cell or no cell, this Company is growing in a market that has far from entered into maturity and the recent sales it has closed are solid examples to grow from. You can't argue against cold hard numbers but it is entertaining watching people try. Now, if the cell does come to fruition, well, that's just icing on the cake!
$5 Billion Market Cap... Sounds Good!
So... I sold my shares today guys... All of them... And then I bought on the dip and now have even more SLTD then before... Im still a long though right? 1.00 by october. And 37.50% on the panels.
That's what she said....
Who's hosting the party again and what market cap should we be at before the party is held? 5 billion will be nice.
That's why you go long. Traders pumping to sell then start bashing to buy back in lower is something they watch for. Solar3D is a Legitimate growth company with real revenue and profits... Go Long!
To whomever it was who posted earlier asking what was driving this today, I believe it was what ALL-IN888 had been going on and on and on and on about.
That high tight flag. Break out on that strong bullish indicator confirmed when we broke .175. Look at today's chart. When that happened, volume popped, included a million shares at once.
Kinda funny really. Technical indicators become self fulfilling prophecies. If people believe in them, they act on them, and then the trend follows.
Yup, people need to read
Hey look, this blind squirrel found a nut. I have no idea where it goes from here.
Friday, 08/01/14 08:52:55 AM
I'm no chartist, but it appears SLTD has largely followed a symmetrical triangle pattern since early January, and has now broke out to the top on high volume. If that's the case, just eyeballing the chart, we might hit .19 shortly.
This link suggests two alternative theories for measuring the height of the breakout. I see them both landing around .19-.20.
Like I said, I'm not big into charts; just an observation.
news please
any positive news would be great (no fluff). if we get real news with some type of potencial this woud def hold where it is at and consolidate. i would like to hear that they chose a partner, they dont even have to mention them, only that they chose one. they could even state that they plan to have a third party validate the cell by the end of august or something. that would shake things up even more.
i hope this thing keeps going vertical.
if they plan the non-fluff news correctly this thing could never see a dip until dollar land, because there is so much pending news in the future that is supposed to come out within the next 3-5 months
one great PR every month could push thin 10-15 cent higher every month
Flipping if that's what you call it but I'm trading along. It's call being a smart trader.
True story, and we sold more than half of the volume after his last posting, that means they couldn't be manipulating if they already did with low volumes yesterday.
I like the sound of that !!!$$$
You don't see PLUG in there either and SLTD is the next PLUG.
so what, more news is ahead cerp(ent) smoke some, get happy
become that happy green snake of the pharmacies :p
no bad feelings, we love you, but i did love you more doing the better future predicitions, as in 6 tomorrow, 8 day after and then 12...
Thats why we didn't really hear them today
Not getting my 46 shares either ...
"If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
hahahaha really i'm lol'in now
Hey, That's right. Are you still playing again cerp? Seems to me that you will be sweating bullets again tomorrow. I would never want to be in your shoes on how this stock is moving.
Better flipping times are ahead. The higher the share price, the more that it moves. Instead of getting .015 you will be getting .15 or even, if it high enough, it will move a buck.
Not so much…
In, out, in, out, in, out....does your wife know that you're having an affair with this stock?
Well, If you think about it. They will confiscate the money that he may have sold in small chunks. If he is still in sltd- He just became a long term investor. No worries here buddy!
This what he said yesterday also...
I bet that you were poopin purple nickles and sweating buckets to get back in. Not worth the heart attack for me. GREEN TOMORROW. News coming.
Should've wait to buy back in later. Got back in at $.185. Having a feeling that tomorrow is going to be red. Hopefully not.
It shouldn't take too long since this is a product that will use existing manufacturing processes. Come on Panasonic!!!!
Remember as a stock rises, attracts negativity. The boat was missed on news day at 7-8 cents. Not too late to catch a ride up.
I have always been safe here. no worries on my part. This company has poured and incredible foundation and the first floor is just being built. On its way to becoming a beautiful mansion.
Bingo again
Nothing on IHUB will hurt this long term IMO
Bingo , MR may have helped some... But no way were the cause for this kind of PPS moment .. All IMO
I'm loving what happened here today. ready for the news!!!!
Or the 7 plus million in revenue ..
.50 next
and you're missing it. lol
This is exactly what I'm saying. I just hope we're going up purely on the Q2 results plus anticipation of news and not pumpers. I saw articles on google too people trying to pump this.
Notice how he came in the final minutes?
It's a great day but I'm just keeping my eyes on it that's all.
Haha. Tell 'em Tim. This company is Legit. No worries here.
Agreed. CHILL OUT! SLTD is fine. This does NOT apply.
BINGO , this is real big guys investing .
All IMO but look up the dollar amount more than ihubbers and MRs
LOL. nice try... your not getting my measly 10000 shares lol
LOL, okay fella
Not surprising at all.
150K bID !!!
I wouldn't call it a "sour hour" I came on late and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it trading near new 52 week highs at .174. I was really surprised to see it surpass .20 today.
This strength is insane
We had a crossed market there for a few seconds. Wish I was a robo trader.
Thank you, and good luck to you, too.
Hey, I didn't want to hurt then that much. NOT!
Anyway it's a good trading day we will see what will happen tomorrow.
haha lol! gltu
I'm in at 0.0085
Anyone here that thinks this is going to go backwards needs to have their head examined. With the high percentage of daily gains we are going to attract more and more serious investors. When the next acquisition is released it will soar, and when the patent is announced as positive it will soar again, and finally when the cell goes into production it will look like an ATLAS V launch to the moon. Fasten your seat belts ladies and loosely termed gentlemen, you ain't seen noth'in yet. And don't all you newbies wish you had bought a million shares when the PPS was.01? GO LONGS, WE ARE WINNING THIS ONE!!!!!!
Dip was short lived
This morning we were celebrating .18 , now it seems cheap.
It's all reference.....
Any idea how long it will take to tool up and do a test run once a manufacturing partner deal is signed?
Here we go
The hour isn't over yet. All that matters is the EOD
Not a good place to get in but hopefully it picks back up and not dip to $.14 which most likely to happen I think. Just watch it carefully and make a good decision.
You didn't have any?
I'm in at .192
Sweet. I'm all back in at .1847. I don't think it goes back below .18. We'll see.
Just looked up sunworks, real company making money, I'm buying all I can for the long haul!!
You were never in! you were still waiting for .07 as of last posting! LOL
let my 07s go today
most likely too early as usual but needed the dough
So they own sun works ? That is crazy good news
Lol it's sour hour. Good trading day though.
Hopefully .19 holds
Lol Naw just been trading for years and kind of know how the game works.
This wont be moving above .06 without traders trading it! GLTY $$$ Volume is always the catalyst!!! $$$$
is it? is it really?
maybe not?
when you speak like this it makes me think of a crystal ball
I Can't wAit till they find a producer !
Power hour engage
Yes yes
No insult intended but we know how you guys operate. .20 was a profit taking point and shares were sold into the pump. Now your guys are running on house money. Nothing wrong with that mind you. Like most of us long longs, we are glad to see you and hope that in the long run there is more good done than harm. Good trading!
Be nice
More like 1$ EOY at least.
Dip maybe
The Sunworks acquisition is almost priced in, i think another .30 is warranted. I have said before the Sunworks addition was a validation of the cell.
And then more updates are coming.
It's gonna be a very nice Holiday season.
Flippers be smart & hold.Or do what ever you want. My 1.4 mil.shrs are safe.
Walk down
If people want to show fear so be it. I'm with moon retrace head back & test .25 then say goodbye off to $1.00.
This story is just starting to show legs. I still keep thinking about the early release of Q2 & why and funny how it was before all the biggies reported. Then we have a run up during this period. Then this sets up for the rest of SLTD news after everyone reports the end of the month. Plan? Why? For what? This is getting good.
Come on Patent. Come on Partner. Come on Commercialization.
Come on Acquisition(s). All this means taking business from someone which means Revenue, higher margins lower costs and most of all more profits.
First Solar intensely focused on increasing efficiency of its solar cells over the last few years, ever since it realized it could lose its competitive edge big time if it failed to do so.
check out the full article
We have a good one here.
Bid 5000 @ .1951 ask 25000 @ .1999
not bashing.
but cant wait to play this retrace.
might even keep the flip.
The real kicker is first solar saw profits of 4.5 million and are valued at 6 billion. At that rate we are invested in a billion dollar company. AKA after final dilution for the end of the year that's just over 2 dollars a share
Very excited for this stock, most pennies don't generate revenue like this company does. I'm used to bio stocks where they don't start generating rev for a long time and burn through cash. Q3 I suspect will be fantastic and show even more growth. $SLTD
Bid going up to .194 now. Looking good for the day, despite the noise. Let's see if it breaks .20 again.
.195 x .197 as we speak
First Solar Buys Solar startup TetraSun for their efficient Solar Cell technology!
Here's the kicker, Solar3D's solar cell is more efficient than TetraSun and Solar3d is in currently Talks with all the major Solar panel manufacturers!
Thanks Tim, for the very good post; a voice of reason
.19 X .195 Solar3D Inc(OTCMKTS:SLTD) enjoyed a three cent gain during yesterday’s trading, rising 18.87% to finish at a closing price of $0.19. The California-based development stage company’s new mark represents a new three month high for the stock, a fact which becomes even more significant when considering the fact that its value has tripled since it closed at a price of $0.06 on July 21st, 2014. Solar3D also traded for as much as $0.2040 during the day, representing the first time the stock has crossed the $0.20 mark since 2011
I have already posted an article from hotstocked which clearly explains it was not a pump and dump... no need for further comment. and i will not comment more on it as i have limited posts.
It has nothing to do with us and will only stir up more problems and fear. Read my post which I wrote about 30 minutes ago or so...It is not a topic for this board. Leave it alone.
why did you delete my post? it was not a pump or bash post just reporting on something that i thought was favorable for us longs here on sltd?
I could sticky it if the others agree to it. Although there are more reasons that need to be added to why this stock is going up. I wrote that post in less than 5 minutes without much thought. So, I welcome additions to the post and anyone can copy and paste what I have written and add more to it...
I will say this though, any topics today about HotStockAce, pumping, prison, etc. will all be deleted by me if not first by another moderator.
I woke up this morning with about 100 posts in which most were non-sense. I hope we can all put this stupid topic behind us.
P.S. Hotstocked is usually an opponent of all penny stocks too but that article seems like it lightened up on the fact it is becoming a good stock...
Thanks for being rational! Can you "sticky" your post? When people do their DD they will discover there are other reasons to make this a good time for SLTD. The recent change to Chinese solar tariffs, the recent solar boom, and the nervous jitters of the past week in the market overall also make this a perfect storm for SLTD. In my humble opinion. Go Long!
Not to worry DN216
I need to let small amounts go on the way up.But not until really great news with stock appreciation. I will leave much on the table for the long term.
This is a good article to put an end to the pumping theory here at SLTD.
Just so everyone knows, I have taken the liberty to delete all the non-sense posts and concerns about stock pumping here and will continue to do so until you all realize it is pure stupidity to believe this is a stock pump.
1. SLTD has revenue, major revenue for a penny stock.
2. They are on the verge of signing a contract possibly with a huge manufacturer.
3. Patent pending, any day now we hope it is granted.
4. They have a huge backlog of work. Much more work on backlog than any other penny land stock!
If these are not good enough reasons for a stock to go up, then I dont know what the hell is good enough! You all need to quit being hysterical about such non-sense. Who cares if HotStockAce was here or not! He was a bit late to the party in fact and we went up before he was here.
Today of course some of you may have already decided to sell your stock but that probably won't contribute so much to the price going down today. I believe this stock is on the radar's of more and more individuals each day. The higher it rises, the more DD people do and realize "hey, why wasn't I in this before?"
Finally, I just want to say to everyone: Don't be an idiot and believe everything you read here on IHub. If you do, then you shouldn't be investing in stocks!
#3 pick today!!!
What a difference a day makes??
Anyway the wind blows...
Hey MONEY RUNNERS are you a SCAM in SLTD???
Christopher Mrowca, a stock promoter who operates Money Runners Group LLC, which has an affiliated stock promotion website called He lives in Bradenton, Fla.
Shorts going to get burned here!!!! Nothing but a solid Q2 released that is taking this to new high!! Check the facts. Read the stickies. Do some research don't listen to the bashers or the pump theories here....
I can safely say that your stock advice is probably the least scary here, because you always seem to flip flop by the hour. Now, if R-8 Pilot or renov8 sell their shares (or any other million+ share users), I'll start worrying.
MoneyRunners were late to SLTD and didn't post or tweet anything about SLTD Tuesday (they were busy) and SLTD still surged above .20, so I wouldn't give MoneyRunners too much credit for SLTD's nice run from .07
Next resistance is .25, SLTD's all time high then we run to $1.
It's a nothing burger. Our volume and investor quality is way beyond a simple pump....if we see a little consolidation it'll just be a small healthy retrace....but I'm crossing fingers for the news and massive short squeeze!!!
It's totally relative to SLTD. It's a video chart showing what he feels is a support/resistance on the chart based on simple Fibonacci's...
* * $SLTD Video Chart 8-5-14 * *
Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video
RSI is oversold right now too.
i saw this one earlier and it had me laughing all day; one of the best freudian slips of all time!! Go SLTD, to da friggin moon
hehe...I'm just hoping we hold .17 while we await the next PR. My thoughts are we will receive a PR about another SUNworks contract first, then maybe the news about the acquisition target. I think they will hold off on the manufacturing partner release until they can package it to come out along with the Patent update. I would love for one each week (the package on the 20th).
Maybe the red day comes after that very last comma in the list. How many green days come before that? Hehe.
Although, I think it might be good to go sideways again for a few days, in a very short range. Unless we get a new PR that is.
With at least 3 more major catalysts.
Why on earth would anyone think of checking out now?
Question you have to ask yourself - are any or all these together capable of at the very least doubling the pps? I think so.
Wow! And this isn't even the big news.
I sure would not want to tell my grand kids I sold game changing technology for less than a quarter. Ouch!
Pull back I'll buy we aren't even in the 4th inning yet.
With the potential for news release shortly I for one am not going to be left on the sidelines.
Forgive my analogy watching a ballgame.
Come on CHR6IS! You need to give the flippers/traders at least one RED day...LOL
You're a god if it turns out you called it right, and if not well, I applaud the effort!
Bucky...can you find a nut closer to a dollar!? lol
Good call!
Boom. Well done
Another point to keep in mind is that PLUG has 170M shares outstanding, and SLTD has 300M. Let's meet in the middle and say SLTD could be around $2.60 a share, if it was a direct comparison with PLUG's share structure and assuming SLTD&PLUG's financial are more or less equal.
Good comparison. It would be a great comparison if you acknowledged that PLUG has fewer shares issued and did the math to equalize them. Also, SLTD has a lot of guaranteed dilution (more shares) in the pipeline from the convertible promissory notes. So, should really factor in an extra 100 million shares for SLTD. Even if you do all that, I think SLTD still comes out smelling pretty.
Compare SLTD's Q2 earnings to Plug's Q1 earnings
SLTD - Trading at .19 cents
$223K Net Income Applicable To Common Shares
PLUG - Trading at $5.32
(- $75M) NEGATIVE - $75 MILLION Net Income Applicable To Common Shares !!!! Less
You can't cry about unrealized gains or losses...that's why I don't actively trade. Too risky... Of course if your company is wildly overvalued you should have a good exit strategy. In this case we are nowhere near overvalued...
A real life true story (Why I take profit)
I have only blown up my account once. I was invested in PLUG and I had bought about $6k worth when the price was pretty damn low. Anyhow, I was so excited about the future of PLUG and the stock was blazing along at break neck speed and every day I was more and more excited. I watch a few days where my portfolio was up 20k a day and watched as it hit it's 11.72 high. Anyhow once it hit the high I was up about 98k and then the hit piece came out calling PLUG a casino stock and the price started going down. I watched it go down that day by almost 50% and kept telling myself that at any moment it will go back up. Well I lost almost 45k that day by "Holding my shares". I could have sold at $11.00 and bought back in later at $5.00 and doubled my share count. I lost that day almost what I make in a year at work on a 9-5 job. Now does it make sense?
Also, people were saying to take profits when the stock was around .09. I don't see those posters anymore
You are absolutely right moonshine. A short squeeze could definitely happen the way this is currently set up.
Pointing out positives IS NOT necessarily pumping.
Pointing out negatives IS NOT necessarily flaming.
I think we have a customer! Best partner?
First Solar beats its own solar cell record, again
First Solar is on a race to boost its core technology and remain a major player in the market.
First Solar has been intensely focused on increasing the efficiency of its solar cells over the last few years, ever since it realized it could lose its competitive edge big time if it failed to do so. The bellwether solar company, which makes cells from the material cadmium-telluride, on Tuesday announced a new world record for its cadmium-telluride cell that shows the company will remain a dominant player for many more years.
First Solar’s researchers created a lab cell that can convert 21 percent of the sunlight that hits it into electricity, which is an improvement from the 20.4 percent record cell they achieved in February this year. The latest milestone puts cadmium-telluride ahead of the emerging material copper-indium-gallium-arsenide (CIGS), which is a thin film material that once attracted billions of dollars in venture capital but hasn’t lived up to its promise.
A few times here and on the yahoo board. You sold but continue to ridicule those that are holding on claiming they are pumpers and that they are silly not taking profits. To me it sounds like you are worried the stock could take off without you so you want to subtly bash on hopes of suppressing the stock price. I've been on these boards for years so I know what you are doing
I'm talking in the next week. Yes I believe the stock will be upwards of $20.00 within a couple years and maybe sooner.
I have not said this is going to $10.00 or something stupid like others.
Why can't it go to $10?
It IS going that far...
Longs, and new investors: don't use stop loses on a day like tomorrow. If manipulated, stock will plummet quickly. GLTA! Don't give up your shares.
Who's pumping?
I have not said this is going to $10.00 or something stupid like others. I like the stock and have said as much but I believe in taking profits and not watching a stock drop. I also plan on returning if and when it does and am not ashamed of that. Too many immature folks on here betting on a zillion dollar return and holding way past the time they should.
Sltd had won some nice contracts lately. Solar is one of the more exciting new markets around . Right place, right time. Solar market growing like crazy
Not even thinking about selling!! Bashers can't effect this as it's way bigger than they are!
Sold all my sorry ass plug shares and added more SLTD today!
Stock tits banned me for mentioning SLTD on the plug board
The last few weeks have seen HUGE volume... and once Monkey runners slung their rag out, the shorts KNOW that they usually ONLY promote garbage and get on board after a run. This ISN'T garbage, so it CAN keep going!!
The Daily Short volume has been 30-40%!!!! (People trying to clean up after a run) DON'T LET THEM!!!
If people don't get scared and sell, and more buy in, this could be the EPIC short squeeze of the year!!!!
Look at the proof, do the math yourself!!
Hard To borrow stock, major run up, very large short volume!! Buying in now forces them to cover and pushes the stock even HIGHER!!!
Check out the Daily Short Report here:
Well, when you pump hard and then sell it makes you look like a pumper/dumper and you lose credibility. Also, when you then come back and have a negative tone, it makes it even worse. I'm not sure why you are surprised about the reaction. I'm sure you would feel the same if you were still in
Shhhhh Don't tell anyone you sold!!
I got lambasted on yahoo boards for admitting I sold my position and would buy back in if things looked good. Said I should not ever admit to making a profit. What a joke.... Guess I should just hold until it corrects tomorrow and goes back to .14 and let someone else have the money.
When there's blood in the water, the sharks come to play. This might consolidate some then continue the trend. CEO should stay on his toes and guide the ship because with the amount of money this has been trading, alotta eyes on it now.
No bro don't want that hear just was wondering.... Wish you the best
This is the worst attempt to lower the price of a stock I've ever seen. You missed your cheap shares.
Yawn, okay fella
This is a good growing company going to be a monster soon. The bashers here must of sold and were hoping for it to drop back to buy back in. This will be much higher as the days go by. I am long with my shares. GLTA with SLTD.
Obviously no DD involved.
Sltd is clean stop doomsaying
Time to short a stock they think will go down, that's all.
Shorties in the house. Whoop whoop
I'd be happy with $500M and the pps around $1.67!
I added more today also. Not to repeat myself but, cell or no cell, this Company is growing in a market that has far from entered into maturity and the recent sales it has closed are solid examples to grow from. You can't argue against cold hard numbers but it is entertaining watching people try. Now, if the cell does come to fruition, well, that's just icing on the cake!
$5 Billion Market Cap... Sounds Good!
So... I sold my shares today guys... All of them... And then I bought on the dip and now have even more SLTD then before... Im still a long though right? 1.00 by october. And 37.50% on the panels.
That's what she said....
Who's hosting the party again and what market cap should we be at before the party is held? 5 billion will be nice.
That's why you go long. Traders pumping to sell then start bashing to buy back in lower is something they watch for. Solar3D is a Legitimate growth company with real revenue and profits... Go Long!
To whomever it was who posted earlier asking what was driving this today, I believe it was what ALL-IN888 had been going on and on and on and on about.
That high tight flag. Break out on that strong bullish indicator confirmed when we broke .175. Look at today's chart. When that happened, volume popped, included a million shares at once.
Kinda funny really. Technical indicators become self fulfilling prophecies. If people believe in them, they act on them, and then the trend follows.
Yup, people need to read
Hey look, this blind squirrel found a nut. I have no idea where it goes from here.
Friday, 08/01/14 08:52:55 AM
I'm no chartist, but it appears SLTD has largely followed a symmetrical triangle pattern since early January, and has now broke out to the top on high volume. If that's the case, just eyeballing the chart, we might hit .19 shortly.
This link suggests two alternative theories for measuring the height of the breakout. I see them both landing around .19-.20.
Like I said, I'm not big into charts; just an observation.
news please
any positive news would be great (no fluff). if we get real news with some type of potencial this woud def hold where it is at and consolidate. i would like to hear that they chose a partner, they dont even have to mention them, only that they chose one. they could even state that they plan to have a third party validate the cell by the end of august or something. that would shake things up even more.
i hope this thing keeps going vertical.
if they plan the non-fluff news correctly this thing could never see a dip until dollar land, because there is so much pending news in the future that is supposed to come out within the next 3-5 months
one great PR every month could push thin 10-15 cent higher every month
Flipping if that's what you call it but I'm trading along. It's call being a smart trader.
True story, and we sold more than half of the volume after his last posting, that means they couldn't be manipulating if they already did with low volumes yesterday.
I like the sound of that !!!$$$
You don't see PLUG in there either and SLTD is the next PLUG.
so what, more news is ahead cerp(ent) smoke some, get happy

become that happy green snake of the pharmacies :p
no bad feelings, we love you, but i did love you more doing the better future predicitions, as in 6 tomorrow, 8 day after and then 12...
Thats why we didn't really hear them today

Not getting my 46 shares either ...
"If a man has good corn or wood, or boards, or pigs, to sell, or can make better chairs or knives, crucibles or church organs, than anybody else, you will find a broad hard-beaten road to his house, though it be in the woods." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
hahahaha really i'm lol'in now

Hey, That's right. Are you still playing again cerp? Seems to me that you will be sweating bullets again tomorrow. I would never want to be in your shoes on how this stock is moving.
Better flipping times are ahead. The higher the share price, the more that it moves. Instead of getting .015 you will be getting .15 or even, if it high enough, it will move a buck.
Not so much…
In, out, in, out, in, out....does your wife know that you're having an affair with this stock?
Well, If you think about it. They will confiscate the money that he may have sold in small chunks. If he is still in sltd- He just became a long term investor. No worries here buddy!
This what he said yesterday also...
I bet that you were poopin purple nickles and sweating buckets to get back in. Not worth the heart attack for me. GREEN TOMORROW. News coming.
Should've wait to buy back in later. Got back in at $.185. Having a feeling that tomorrow is going to be red. Hopefully not.
It shouldn't take too long since this is a product that will use existing manufacturing processes. Come on Panasonic!!!!
Remember as a stock rises, attracts negativity. The boat was missed on news day at 7-8 cents. Not too late to catch a ride up.
I have always been safe here. no worries on my part. This company has poured and incredible foundation and the first floor is just being built. On its way to becoming a beautiful mansion.
Bingo again
Nothing on IHUB will hurt this long term IMO
Bingo , MR may have helped some... But no way were the cause for this kind of PPS moment .. All IMO
I'm loving what happened here today. ready for the news!!!!
Or the 7 plus million in revenue ..
.50 next
and you're missing it. lol
This is exactly what I'm saying. I just hope we're going up purely on the Q2 results plus anticipation of news and not pumpers. I saw articles on google too people trying to pump this.
Notice how he came in the final minutes?
It's a great day but I'm just keeping my eyes on it that's all.
Haha. Tell 'em Tim. This company is Legit. No worries here.
Agreed. CHILL OUT! SLTD is fine. This does NOT apply.
BINGO , this is real big guys investing .
All IMO but look up the dollar amount more than ihubbers and MRs
LOL. nice try... your not getting my measly 10000 shares lol
LOL, okay fella
Not surprising at all.
150K bID !!!
I wouldn't call it a "sour hour" I came on late and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it trading near new 52 week highs at .174. I was really surprised to see it surpass .20 today.
This strength is insane
We had a crossed market there for a few seconds. Wish I was a robo trader.
Thank you, and good luck to you, too.
Hey, I didn't want to hurt then that much. NOT!
Anyway it's a good trading day we will see what will happen tomorrow.
haha lol! gltu
I'm in at 0.0085

Anyone here that thinks this is going to go backwards needs to have their head examined. With the high percentage of daily gains we are going to attract more and more serious investors. When the next acquisition is released it will soar, and when the patent is announced as positive it will soar again, and finally when the cell goes into production it will look like an ATLAS V launch to the moon. Fasten your seat belts ladies and loosely termed gentlemen, you ain't seen noth'in yet. And don't all you newbies wish you had bought a million shares when the PPS was.01? GO LONGS, WE ARE WINNING THIS ONE!!!!!!
Dip was short lived

This morning we were celebrating .18 , now it seems cheap.
It's all reference.....
Any idea how long it will take to tool up and do a test run once a manufacturing partner deal is signed?
Here we go

The hour isn't over yet. All that matters is the EOD
Not a good place to get in but hopefully it picks back up and not dip to $.14 which most likely to happen I think. Just watch it carefully and make a good decision.
You didn't have any?
I'm in at .192
Sweet. I'm all back in at .1847. I don't think it goes back below .18. We'll see.
Just looked up sunworks, real company making money, I'm buying all I can for the long haul!!
You were never in! you were still waiting for .07 as of last posting! LOL
let my 07s go today
most likely too early as usual but needed the dough
So they own sun works ? That is crazy good news
Lol it's sour hour. Good trading day though.
Hopefully .19 holds
Lol Naw just been trading for years and kind of know how the game works.
This wont be moving above .06 without traders trading it! GLTY $$$ Volume is always the catalyst!!! $$$$
is it? is it really?
maybe not?
when you speak like this it makes me think of a crystal ball
I Can't wAit till they find a producer !
Power hour engage
Yes yes

No insult intended but we know how you guys operate. .20 was a profit taking point and shares were sold into the pump. Now your guys are running on house money. Nothing wrong with that mind you. Like most of us long longs, we are glad to see you and hope that in the long run there is more good done than harm. Good trading!
Be nice
More like 1$ EOY at least.
Dip maybe
The Sunworks acquisition is almost priced in, i think another .30 is warranted. I have said before the Sunworks addition was a validation of the cell.
And then more updates are coming.
It's gonna be a very nice Holiday season.
Flippers be smart & hold.Or do what ever you want. My 1.4 mil.shrs are safe.
Walk down

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