I'll make this my last post for tonight & then joyfully look forward to posting with you all again tomorrow!
I today responded to a post of Series of wet-dreams', the which I have not done in a long time, for I some time ago simply realized that he, like cowboy dave or several others, just NEVER have anything good to say about KMAG or JR. I forget now what he posted, for his post was afterwards deleted, also. The which surprized me not a little! But I was never the less able to retrieve my post that I had sent to him via my lie-hub 'settings/removed posts bullet. At any rate, here below follows the post that I had written back to him, the which post 'lived' before it was deleted for about 7-10 minutes, at most. I hope that you will enjoy my rebuttal to his insanity: CIAO! Jaime
''With regards to Mr. Jeff Reid & KMAG, 'Series of Dreams', if he has been & still is a basically good & fundamentally honest man, who is also the CEO of his company, then the music of the following link below will happen. But if somehow or other your belief & opinion & attitude of him is fulfilled, then it simply will not happen. So, I wonder if you will be able to enjoy the music about KMAG & JR that you are about to have a chance to listen to, or if you will turn it off in anger & disgust, because you simply cannot stand the thought of such a good thing happening to KMAG, & to JR, & to ALL of his LOYAL stock holders:''