Hey airdale: In my exuberance about what I saw in your compilation of KMAG's earnings, one of the reactions I had was to want to share it on the lie-hub board. But in a recent post by chambers, (I also read how we are not supposed to post any of our goodies from over here over there? So, I don't want to do something that will pizz anybody off over here, although I am sure that there are a few who would enjoy seeing that info over there, although not many, any more. So, would one of you two, or even someone else, let me know what to do, as I am on the verge of discontinuing my $43 monthly membership fee to lie~hub, anyways, as I told shelly in a pm today, because another one of my 1 only public posts was deleted again today, the which was a brief rebuttal to one by 'Series of nightmares'. TIA Jaime