here is a excerpt from the first page of the court judgement;
"JBI, Inc and John Bordynuik, Plaintiffs
Sandra Elsley, Gerard Mooney, Don Johnstone and John Doe, Defendants
This Action, brought by the plaintiffs, JBI Inc and John Bordynuik for "inter alai", damages and a Order restraining the Defendants Sandra Elsley, Gerard Mooney and Don Johnstone or any of their servants, agents, employees or others persons they may direct (Yuggie and TBG), from directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever, communicating, disseminating or causing to be communicated or disseminated and defamatory comments about the Plaintiffs"
The Big Guys "friend" and lead defendant Sandra Elsley has a fresh copy of this sftu paperwork. So since you and the the big clown are bossum college buddies and he was caught in a act of vandalism at the blending facility, there is a running possibility that you all know each other and I'll make the call you are posting info being directed from their camp about JBI which tells me the "defendants" as a whole are violating the court order to shut the F up.
There are 3 pages to the court order silencing the defendants so you might want to educate yourself about what their plight is. I would love nothing more then to read the 3 have been incarcerated. For that to happen, keep posting away here and on silicon investor so they have to appear in person before the judge for violating his order. To appear is no big deal for Esley she's a local yocal but Johnstone is traveling from Ottawa and Mooney has to fly from England. That ticket is sure to ruffle his knickers.
Call the big door knob again and get a copy of the Judgement. I believe you are working for Elsley while those who post on Silicon are working for Johnstone and Mooney.