OK. I'm with ya!! How about 36 outlets (still very conservative) nationwide selling 6 per day. That would be 2 outlets for each state that has legal MMJ not including Washington. And then, of course, there is worldwide.
We also mustn't forget that when Tom finishes the uplisting, he gets to do what he likes best. He has taken steps to bring some talented folks on board who are preparing the table.
Look at the products. Nothing but quality from the packaging to the silkscreening to the visual presentation. And, look at the web-sites. There is a lot of thought going into everything they do. It sure ain't a bong shop. LOL
And we should all think about the fact that Tom didn't just pick the number 20,000 out of the air.
An unknown is the potential of cumulus. Vaporizers are sold nationwide in smoke shops, convenience stores, flea markets, etc. I personally know a guy who has a 30 foot long inside booth at a flea market. He won't say what his revenue is for obvious reasons; but, he pays over $ 1,000 a month for his location. That kind of says it all.
Keep up the great work. You inspire a number of us and keep us on our toes.