All promoted Stocks 11/11 - 11/12 | 110 promos on 23 stocks
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Promoted Stocks in alphabetical order
Stock: ALQA - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 12.5% | First Trade: 0.048 - Last Trade: 0.054 | Low: 0.048 - High: 0.054 | Trades: 6 | Volume: 4372$
Stock: AMBS - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 45.71% | First Trade: 0.035 - Last Trade: 0.051 | Low: 0.028 - High: 0.054 | Trades: 241 | Volume: 1835117$
Stock: AZFL - 26 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.65% | First Trade: 0.086 - Last Trade: 0.09 | Low: 0.075 - High: 0.091 | Trades: 41 | Volume: 35134$
Stock: BSTO - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.65% | First Trade: 0.086 - Last Trade: 0.09 | Low: 0.075 - High: 0.091 | Trades: 41 | Volume: 35134$
Stock: CAHI - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -8.26% | First Trade: 0.109 - Last Trade: 0.1 | Low: 0.1 - High: 0.109 | Trades: 2 | Volume: 818$
Stock: CBIS - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 24.31% | First Trade: 0.072 - Last Trade: 0.0895 | Low: 0.0705 - High: 0.0993 | Trades: 339 | Volume: 4596347$
Stock: CTLE - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 21.43% | First Trade: 0.7 - Last Trade: 0.85 | Low: 0.69 - High: 0.85 | Trades: 10 | Volume: 95890$
Stock: EKNL - 6 Alert(s)
Gain today: 1.64% | First Trade: 0.61 - Last Trade: 0.62 | Low: 0.61 - High: 0.62 | Trades: 7 | Volume: 3479$
Stock: FBTN - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 5.77% | First Trade: 0.52 - Last Trade: 0.55 | Low: 0.46 - High: 0.55 | Trades: 14 | Volume: 19333$
Stock: GBEN - 18 Alert(s)
Gain today: 108.33% | First Trade: 0.09 - Last Trade: 0.1875 | Low: 0.09 - High: 0.189 | Trades: 159 | Volume: 802632$
Stock: GDAR - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 108.33% | First Trade: 0.09 - Last Trade: 0.1875 | Low: 0.09 - High: 0.189 | Trades: 159 | Volume: 802632$
Stock: GNGR - 2 Alert(s)
Loss today: -11.46% | First Trade: 0.0096 - Last Trade: 0.0085 | Low: 0.0085 - High: 0.0096 | Trades: 37 | Volume: 36008$
Stock: GRNH - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 174.19% | First Trade: 0.031 - Last Trade: 0.085 | Low: 0.03 - High: 0.0875 | Trades: 172 | Volume: 748556$
Stock: GRPH - 15 Alert(s)
Gain today: 1.19% | First Trade: 0.84 - Last Trade: 0.85 | Low: 0.834 - High: 0.875 | Trades: 110 | Volume: 416894$
Stock: LFAP - 1 Alert(s)
Gain today: 12.5% | First Trade: 0.4 - Last Trade: 0.45 | Low: 0.335 - High: 0.45 | Trades: 53 | Volume: 99594$
Stock: LUDG - 11 Alert(s)
Gain today: 41.3% | First Trade: 0.046 - Last Trade: 0.065 | Low: 0.046 - High: 0.069 | Trades: 13 | Volume: 11670$
Stock: PNGM - 2 Alert(s)
Gain today: 0% | First Trade: 0.055 - Last Trade: 0.055 | Low: 0.05 - High: 0.0597 | Trades: 21 | Volume: 9483$
Stock: PRMW - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -5.36% | First Trade: 1.12 - Last Trade: 1.06 | Low: 1.02 - High: 1.13 | Trades: 140 | Volume: 430544$
Stock: PWEID - 3 Alert(s)
Gain today: 4.62% | First Trade: 0.65 - Last Trade: 0.68 | Low: 0.623 - High: 0.75 | Trades: 148 | Volume: 1378806$
Stock: SEGI - 4 Alert(s)
Gain today: 9.09% | First Trade: 0.0022 - Last Trade: 0.0024 | Low: 0.0021 - High: 0.0026 | Trades: 21 | Volume: 37195$
Stock: SFIN - 4 Alert(s)
Gain today: 35.48% | First Trade: 0.0031 - Last Trade: 0.0042 | Low: 0.0031 - High: 0.0045 | Trades: 32 | Volume: 7327$
Stock: TGWI - 1 Alert(s)
Loss today: -30.56% | First Trade: 0.0144 - Last Trade: 0.01 | Low: 0.0085 - High: 0.0144 | Trades: 51 | Volume: 66002$
Stock: WMXG - 3 Alert(s)
Loss today: -30.56% | First Trade: 0.0144 - Last Trade: 0.01 | Low: 0.0085 - High: 0.0144 | Trades: 51 | Volume: 66002$