As an investor I would not mind this option, however, I do feel the negative nellies would have a field day with any change in the business plan. After the last PR, they kept harping the TA not being marketed and having no clients. A brokerage firm would shut them up for at least a few minutes (hopefully).
I feel Matt wants to market the brokerage and TA services together. The revenue generated from these services would be received quicker than the debt financing and short-term revenue growth will help improve the PPS, which should help new investors see the potential in BCAP. The convertible debt will take time to receive (as we see with RIGH and TGGI) as the money/shares are tied up for some time. We should get more information on the debt financing in the financials.
Either way, the direction you wish to see the company take would be fine by me. I am just not convinced the market would agree with this option. I feel it is best for Matt to complete everything he says, this will provide more confidence in Matt and the company.

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