Yes I understand and have seen and remember that but the implication of your statement "FYI, Yonghong is USA, out of LA, at least per the website and his e-mail" in reference to my pics of Bao USA and Brazil and that Zhao was Pres of Bao Brazil-as we have been saying for the last year,seemed to be that Zhao was Pres of Bao USA-rather than the stockier guy w the "expensive camera' in the pics.
Contrary to the pics of the last year repeatedly showing Zhao and the multiple sources,including Bob, that he was Pres of Bao Brazil,
which with Bao USA are both subs of the parent Bao China(for short).
So they are free to operate out of each others offices. In dealing w CWRN, Zhao may operate out of the LA office, which is the closest Bao office to the mine.
This is true even in the western world mindset- where since magna carta, in theory the govt is a slave to the people-until the people foolishly began giving their rights to the govt in exchange for cradle to grave care,the same reason soviets and many others not used to democracy gave up democracy in exchange for cradle to grave care such as it was-even after such was proven to be a failure,resulting in short lifetimes, high alcoholism and suicide and everybody being a snitch for the state.
The eastern mindset has never historically recognized individual rights-they have no magna carta-they have tiannamon(spelling?) square-their philosophy historically has been that the individual is a slave of the state-and especially since Bao is state owned,Presidents of subs Bao Brazil and USA are by that eastern mindset merely cogs in the machine,which gives them less individual rights than western sub presidents counterparts-which could operate out of each others offices-so that is even more true for the Chinese-so it is not surprising that Zhao would operate out of the LA office in dealing w CWRN.
Because after Mao's death (Mao would be rolling over in his grave) ca 1976, China changed direction from the cultural revolution-where intellectuals and capitalists were considered traitors and killed or sent to labor re-education camps, and China became capitalistic. So its easy to forget their eastern mindset and that they are still communist-until you read the scary edicts/stark horror movie reminders that come out of the Chinese party central committee and the military games of chicken being played in the Pacific even though China still does not have an operational aircraft carrier etc.