Is the normal reaction when explaining CTIX to an acquaintance such disbelief that you have to make a very soft sell and just tell them to look into it or do some DD as it could be the investment of a lifetime?
As most here probably do, I get wrapped up and find myself talking faster and faster while relating the story of what is currently happening and where it is going and the probable returns in the future. By the smile on my face and the confidence in my story they either take it seriously and look into the stock or figure I am just another overamped penny stock chaser and write it off as too good to be true. I know I have given many friends and acquaintances the opportunity of a life time and leave it up to them to grasp the golden ring. Those that choose not to do so will certainly be kicking themselves in the near future.
Makes me feel somewhat how an inventor must feel when trying to convince people he will be changing the world.
Serious question: When is the Pfizer trials in Europe suppose to start? After the MTD is determined by Spring of 2013, once we get a few cohorts behind us so they know what doses showed no ill effect on the patients, or even sooner? Same goes with the leukemia trials in Europe. I know we just announced the protocols are being written know for one of them so could that start sometime soon in the first quarter of 2013?