SRGE is the Most Undervalued Profitable Gold & Silver Junior Mining Stock Play in the market with the most upside short term. Valuation of SRGE is showing the upside of being $7.78 pps.
Valuation of SRGE is $7.78 per share based on the $550M Valuation listed in the recently posted 3rd Qtr Filings on page 21
Here is the quick break down below (see below):
EPS = Net Income ÷ Outstanding Shares (OS)
EPS = $200,352,800 ÷ 545,874,868 shares
EPS = .367 per share
Expected Price Per Share = EPS x Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio
Expected Price Per Share = .367 EPS x 21.20 P/E Ratio
Expected Price Per Share = $7.78 per share
This means that based on what has been confirmed from the "Behre Dolbear Report" for what’s confirmed to be in the ground of the Cinco Minas property, SRGE is worth $7.78 per share considering its current OS of 545,874,868 shares.
FULL BREAK DOWN OF VALUATION AT $7.78 Per Share (see below):
Here is the Full Break down and Due Diligence in detailed listed below:
All should view the significant valuation data of over $550,000,000+ derived from the work done by Behre Dolbear de Mexico of the Cinco Minas property owned by SRGE that’s located on page 21 of the recently released SRGE financials
Although the "Behre Dolbear Report" confirmed that the $550,000,000+ is in the ground, SRGE cannot log it as Revenues or as an Asset because within the US, such confirmed valuation in the ground cannot be logged as Revenues or as an Asset until it is captured out of the ground and sold. This is why you won’t see this within the SRGE Income Statement or its Balance Sheet. The "Behre Dolbear Report" is a huge piece of credibility that confirmed that the valuation is there in the ground at theCinco Minas property. The mineral advisors known as "Behre Dolbear" has been around for over 100 years which is another huge piece of credibility.
It was the "Behre Dolbear Report" that confirmed the over $550,000,000 to be in the ground of the Cinco Minas property owned by SRGE . Again, this is confirmed on page 21 from the recent 3rd Qtr SRGE filings in the link above. This value might be viewed as an ”Intrinsic Value” to some. The fundamental valuation will be a summation of proven (measured) and probable (indicated) ore reserves indicated within this recent 3rd Qtr filing which confirms that the valuation can be captured from the ground.