Thank you, Cheryl! I think we have a great investor base here at Investors Hangout. We may occasionally have a few who come over from, you know where, to try to spout their usual incoherencies but we loyal RFMK supporters have our eyes out for such shenanigans.
Very open am I about the range of remarks possible on the board so I plan to be quite lenient as far as running the gambit between the negative and positive sentiment. The primary concerns from my perspective is keeping the board basically free of too much foul language, direct back and forth attacks between posters (calling each other names, etc), direct bashing and slander/libel of any of the principles (Cheryl, Tom, etc), constant 24/7 day after day overly negative bashing calling the company a dilution scam, etc. I think the rest is fair game. It is healthy to have wide ranging discussions.
Let us all have a good time talking about THE BEST MMJ stock in the market, RFMK!!!