Posted On: 08/01/2014 3:29:32 PM
Post# of 1033
Secco... the DOW JONES has crashed almost -350.00 points in the last two days... did you want to comment on those market results?
Plus, you must have missed my recent article about Social Security ending in 22 years, way before 60 years from now. I have posted the Blog-o-sphere post below for your convenience.
Dear Friends, Valued Shareholders & Investors,
I was recently speaking with a new friend I made at a wealth management conference in Las Vegas, Nevada who warningly made mention that people should not and cannot rely on the U.S. Government to support them when they become older. He insinuated this issue somehow included me too! Hey, not so fast... bud?
In being as humble as I could be, and setting aside my aficionado level financial experience, I explained to my new friend that I am very well aware of the major problem looming over the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA); and responded upon him rather aggressively that there is never one mention of SSA at my family dinner table regarding our personal retirement plans. I also pointed out matter-of-factly to him (I'll just call him "Brad" from here on out ~ no need to embarrass my new acquaintance) that the SSA prominently posts a down-right disturbing message on their own website ( which quantitatively verifies what "In-the-Know" wealth managers, most retail investors and Brad already knew to be true. It reads:
"As a result of changes to Social Security enacted in 1983, benefits are now expected to be payable in full on a timely basis until 2037, when the trust fund reserves are projected to become exhausted." ~ U.S. Social Security Administration, 2014.
Monetary reserves at the SSA will be exhausted by 2037? Yes, indeed... a troubling fact for anyone so misinformed to believe that somehow the U.S. Gov't is going to have their financial "back" when they grow too old to pay their own way.
The rampant belief of SSA handing out fair-value checks, for all your years of hard work and "Paying-In" to the program, amounts to no more than a desert mirage of Palm trees and fresh water rivers; it's a complete joke but sadly, it's a joke without a real funny punch-line because financially unprepared Americans will be looking for help and the SSA money simply won't be available only 22 short years from now! Yup, only 22 years and it's gone... that's not a typo.
So... how can we better protect our wealth and avoid the "Hope" associated with the SSA paper checks?
In my normal carefree mannerism, I went on to explain to Brad that the primary reason we started our holding company, ORION DHC, Inc. ~ Stock Ticker: OODH , was to ensure that we built an Island of Protection around our own personal wealth for the Long-Term, without Gov't handouts... and in doing so, we would also help protect the wealth of the many investors who decided to join us as shareholders. This strategic investing model and its core principles remain our precise focus to this very day.
For those of you who don't know us all that well, our managing officers not only have hundreds of years of combined experience in their respective disciplines (Divisions), they also have huge financial stakes in OODH on a personal level. Therefore, the strong commitment and noble intentions of OODH management to make the overall holding company venture a highly successful one is more easily attainable and substantially more attractive to potential investors - because - if you lose, we lose even worse!
Obviously, we all want OODH to become more successful than all the mainstream "Blue-Chip" stocks of today; you know, the stocks that get touted daily as a "Buy, Buy, Buy" from the industry "Mad-Men" on Money related TV channels? However, please don't misinterpret this letter, we are not saying go "Buy" OODH stock right now, all we ask is you check out the company, activate your most powerful due diligence wand and in the end, make a wise investment decision; Oh, and smack your broker if he disagrees...just kidding! Always listen to your broker...
If OODH does not become so overtly successful that Forbe's Magazine is proudly offering OODH shares on its latest cover page; then, we all should, at the very least, expect OODH to quietly grow in share-price over the many years to come and enjoy any dividends the company offers. If I have my way about it, OODH shareholders will need only to sit back and relax on their huge Nest-Eggs of grotesque envy and watch as mainstream index-fund TV investors get passed by! I'm not dreaming either folks... I'm simply planning and conspiring this scenario on your behalf each & everyday. BTW: Who cares about those other investors anyways, right? Or Wall St? Well, we do, but that's a chat reserved for another day! All investors are welcome... it's merely the smart ones who will hear about OODH before the TV investors do! That's all...
Either way the tables of financial fate pan-out, they will inevitably be a perfect fit for OODH and its management team, due in large-part to the broad flexability regarding what investments we choose to keep within our daily holdings - and which ones we send packing. Bottom-Line, so long as we all get to where we need to be goal-wise, keep our shareholders from standing in Gov't "Cheese Lines" or begging for non-existant SSA money from steet corners and remain financially endowed - Then OODH Wins the Game! - Right along with our many early stage shareholders who see what we saw!
Since forming OODH over six years ago, our values and visions have not wavered by any measure. In fact, our visions are now coming to fruition and our deep fiduciary values still guide the direction we end up taking ORION DHC, Inc. from day-to-day. Our Point of view = Our shareholders Financial Success = Simple
Our long-term goals and objectives at ORION DHC, Inc. are more clearly defined than ever before; which brings me to make mention of the commodities sub-division holdings approach to the Ben Graham "Value-Investing" model introduced exclusively by our Holding Company. It's actually a really simple concept and more importantly, it works!
Allow me to explain: Gold and Silver commodities are an invaluable hedge against inflation, right? The U.S. Gov't is printing money faster than "Charmin" makes Rolls of Toilet Paper, each will eventually have similar value! And every Forex trader turned Gold Futures trader would agree this printing "thing" is very problematic for people who like to save money for their retirement. Therefore, OODH started AuVek Mining Co., Inc., a Gold Mining Division, to recover precious metals from the Earth, trade these metals recovered (or hold them) and ensure that particular area of fiscal protection was met for our shareholders - hands down. Another division, Exteron Oil Co., Inc., was recently brought aboard because OODH can drill 50 or more oil producing wells per year under an in-house contract, and Oil Wells can easily generate mega revenues for our "crudely" oil dependent nation; and her people; many of whom are wannabe environmentalists who drive F-350's to work! My point? Oil wells have historically been known to produce such large ROI's for their investors that even the "God's of Ancient Egypt" couldn't dream of having garnered that kind of wealth in their hay-days of power.
As of today, OODH need only produce 2050 bbls of crude per month to retire all of its current mid-level shareholders comfortably (+1000% more than current SSA) just think about that for one minute! Are you an OODH shareholder? If not, why not? Good management, Smart investors and a tight share structure = concentrated wealth!* Anyhow, speaking more about Oil wealth in the USA, aside from the Ancient's, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, himself, clearly demonstrated Oil is a wonderful investment by becoming the wealthiest man in the World's Entire History! (Rockefeller's net worth was adjusted for inflation to substantiate that bold claim, nope, it wasn't Bill Gates). So needless to say, Oil drilling is a good fit for OODH because it means long-term cash flow for our shareholders based on our oil flow figures...and rest assured, oil production will be gripping OODH holdings for a very long time.... perhaps even paying off our shareholders Bar-Tabs and Dog-Grooming Bills!
Furthermore, in the current company holdings, the OODH Lumber division and Real estate division each share a common thread, in that, as more New Home Construction occurs 2015 to 2037 (Death of SSA)... the higher the demand for both of these two invaluable resources will become. The ol' I-101, "Supply vs. Demand" being out of balance in our favor is perfectly fine with me! That is, so long as OODH continues to target and capitalize on these two fundamental housing resources exactly as it has been doing since 2010. For more information about other OODH ventures, company updates and new acquisitions, you'll need to visit the OODH corporate website located at
That's how we do it... do you do it? Maybe KO, MMM, VZ or WMT would make a good fit in your retirement portfolio, that is, if you have over $500,000 in your nest-egg already but if you have under $50,000 saved up for retirement today, then OODH is the growth stock you need to look at very seriously!
The Island of Protection investing concept mentioned earlier brings to mind one rather well-known investor, who by the way, is also an OODH shareholder, Mr. Warren E. Buffett, Chairman & CEO of Berkshire-Hathaway (BRK), a holding company. Mr. Buffett's epic path, using "Motes" for protection, forces me to elaborate on exactly what we do at OODH because for over 50 years, Mr. Buffett has "Skipped" along a very similar path to financial success. Buffett began his holding company (BRK) journey soon after converting a terribly failed "loser" textile company venture into a holding company in the early 1960's (Mr. Warren Buffett was basically making underwear and panties).
Fortunately, for the BRK.A shareholders, the new Buffett controled holding company's direction was based solely upon the exact same teachings of Benjamin Graham that we use today at ORION DHC. Even using Graham's ideals, Buffett has had some serious issues in capital allocation and asset acquisitions over the years; such as, his financial fiasco at "Dempster" but we can't walk around all high and mighty ourselves... and simply fail to mention that we've also had our share of financial mishaps at OODH as well (we just don't talk about them publicly! lol ), and OODH will most certainly have a few more incidents along its long road to massive wealth creation. Regardless, we still follow Mr. Buffett, not only because Mr. Buffett is an OODH shareholder, but because he was a student of Benjamin Graham, he drinks Cherry Coke and he likes oil wells probably as much as we do! FYK: Buffett holds roughly $4.23B of his net worth in Exxon Mobil Corp. ($XOM), not necessarily a small oil holding. Told ya! Warren really loves his oil wells.
As an aside, let me clear something up real quick...when people jokingly call me "Warren Buffett Jr." there's actually a little more to it than just a novel "Nickname" given out on some scandalous message-board by a short-winded, penny stock investor hell-bent on a name-calling rampage. In fact, I really do religiously lead OODH through the investing ideals of Ben Graham's Value Investing principles and try to avoid some of Warren E. Buffett's most ghastly investment mistakes. Yes, that's exactly how I run the OODH daily business operations! Sorry Warren... just sell your OODH shares if you don't like our frigging business plan. Ahhhhh, we didn't think so! Lol
In closing, I'm personally honored to serve OODH shareholders for the remainder of 2014 and well into 2015 ("Board-Willing" and "Lord-Willing" and I kindly thank our hundreds of investors and stakeholders alike for their many-many years in partnership with OODH. As always, Our success is your success!
("Carpe Diem" ~ Horace)
What? You Don't have any OODH shares in your retirement portfolio?
Make sure you call your broker right now and at the very least get stock ticker OODH put on your investment watch-list... and yes, we really meant it, check out OODH for your personal retirement portfolio, especially if you're an employee of the U.S. Social Security Administration!
Best Regards,
Randy L. Hoff
Chairman & CEO
* Shareholders who own more than 2,000,000 publicly traded shares of OODH ($25,000 INVESTMENT OR HIGHER, DEPENDING ON MARKET)
Plus, you must have missed my recent article about Social Security ending in 22 years, way before 60 years from now. I have posted the Blog-o-sphere post below for your convenience.
Dear Friends, Valued Shareholders & Investors,
I was recently speaking with a new friend I made at a wealth management conference in Las Vegas, Nevada who warningly made mention that people should not and cannot rely on the U.S. Government to support them when they become older. He insinuated this issue somehow included me too! Hey, not so fast... bud?
In being as humble as I could be, and setting aside my aficionado level financial experience, I explained to my new friend that I am very well aware of the major problem looming over the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA); and responded upon him rather aggressively that there is never one mention of SSA at my family dinner table regarding our personal retirement plans. I also pointed out matter-of-factly to him (I'll just call him "Brad" from here on out ~ no need to embarrass my new acquaintance) that the SSA prominently posts a down-right disturbing message on their own website ( which quantitatively verifies what "In-the-Know" wealth managers, most retail investors and Brad already knew to be true. It reads:
"As a result of changes to Social Security enacted in 1983, benefits are now expected to be payable in full on a timely basis until 2037, when the trust fund reserves are projected to become exhausted." ~ U.S. Social Security Administration, 2014.
Monetary reserves at the SSA will be exhausted by 2037? Yes, indeed... a troubling fact for anyone so misinformed to believe that somehow the U.S. Gov't is going to have their financial "back" when they grow too old to pay their own way.
The rampant belief of SSA handing out fair-value checks, for all your years of hard work and "Paying-In" to the program, amounts to no more than a desert mirage of Palm trees and fresh water rivers; it's a complete joke but sadly, it's a joke without a real funny punch-line because financially unprepared Americans will be looking for help and the SSA money simply won't be available only 22 short years from now! Yup, only 22 years and it's gone... that's not a typo.
So... how can we better protect our wealth and avoid the "Hope" associated with the SSA paper checks?
In my normal carefree mannerism, I went on to explain to Brad that the primary reason we started our holding company, ORION DHC, Inc. ~ Stock Ticker: OODH , was to ensure that we built an Island of Protection around our own personal wealth for the Long-Term, without Gov't handouts... and in doing so, we would also help protect the wealth of the many investors who decided to join us as shareholders. This strategic investing model and its core principles remain our precise focus to this very day.
For those of you who don't know us all that well, our managing officers not only have hundreds of years of combined experience in their respective disciplines (Divisions), they also have huge financial stakes in OODH on a personal level. Therefore, the strong commitment and noble intentions of OODH management to make the overall holding company venture a highly successful one is more easily attainable and substantially more attractive to potential investors - because - if you lose, we lose even worse!
Obviously, we all want OODH to become more successful than all the mainstream "Blue-Chip" stocks of today; you know, the stocks that get touted daily as a "Buy, Buy, Buy" from the industry "Mad-Men" on Money related TV channels? However, please don't misinterpret this letter, we are not saying go "Buy" OODH stock right now, all we ask is you check out the company, activate your most powerful due diligence wand and in the end, make a wise investment decision; Oh, and smack your broker if he disagrees...just kidding! Always listen to your broker...
If OODH does not become so overtly successful that Forbe's Magazine is proudly offering OODH shares on its latest cover page; then, we all should, at the very least, expect OODH to quietly grow in share-price over the many years to come and enjoy any dividends the company offers. If I have my way about it, OODH shareholders will need only to sit back and relax on their huge Nest-Eggs of grotesque envy and watch as mainstream index-fund TV investors get passed by! I'm not dreaming either folks... I'm simply planning and conspiring this scenario on your behalf each & everyday. BTW: Who cares about those other investors anyways, right? Or Wall St? Well, we do, but that's a chat reserved for another day! All investors are welcome... it's merely the smart ones who will hear about OODH before the TV investors do! That's all...
Either way the tables of financial fate pan-out, they will inevitably be a perfect fit for OODH and its management team, due in large-part to the broad flexability regarding what investments we choose to keep within our daily holdings - and which ones we send packing. Bottom-Line, so long as we all get to where we need to be goal-wise, keep our shareholders from standing in Gov't "Cheese Lines" or begging for non-existant SSA money from steet corners and remain financially endowed - Then OODH Wins the Game! - Right along with our many early stage shareholders who see what we saw!
Since forming OODH over six years ago, our values and visions have not wavered by any measure. In fact, our visions are now coming to fruition and our deep fiduciary values still guide the direction we end up taking ORION DHC, Inc. from day-to-day. Our Point of view = Our shareholders Financial Success = Simple
Our long-term goals and objectives at ORION DHC, Inc. are more clearly defined than ever before; which brings me to make mention of the commodities sub-division holdings approach to the Ben Graham "Value-Investing" model introduced exclusively by our Holding Company. It's actually a really simple concept and more importantly, it works!
Allow me to explain: Gold and Silver commodities are an invaluable hedge against inflation, right? The U.S. Gov't is printing money faster than "Charmin" makes Rolls of Toilet Paper, each will eventually have similar value! And every Forex trader turned Gold Futures trader would agree this printing "thing" is very problematic for people who like to save money for their retirement. Therefore, OODH started AuVek Mining Co., Inc., a Gold Mining Division, to recover precious metals from the Earth, trade these metals recovered (or hold them) and ensure that particular area of fiscal protection was met for our shareholders - hands down. Another division, Exteron Oil Co., Inc., was recently brought aboard because OODH can drill 50 or more oil producing wells per year under an in-house contract, and Oil Wells can easily generate mega revenues for our "crudely" oil dependent nation; and her people; many of whom are wannabe environmentalists who drive F-350's to work! My point? Oil wells have historically been known to produce such large ROI's for their investors that even the "God's of Ancient Egypt" couldn't dream of having garnered that kind of wealth in their hay-days of power.
As of today, OODH need only produce 2050 bbls of crude per month to retire all of its current mid-level shareholders comfortably (+1000% more than current SSA) just think about that for one minute! Are you an OODH shareholder? If not, why not? Good management, Smart investors and a tight share structure = concentrated wealth!* Anyhow, speaking more about Oil wealth in the USA, aside from the Ancient's, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, himself, clearly demonstrated Oil is a wonderful investment by becoming the wealthiest man in the World's Entire History! (Rockefeller's net worth was adjusted for inflation to substantiate that bold claim, nope, it wasn't Bill Gates). So needless to say, Oil drilling is a good fit for OODH because it means long-term cash flow for our shareholders based on our oil flow figures...and rest assured, oil production will be gripping OODH holdings for a very long time.... perhaps even paying off our shareholders Bar-Tabs and Dog-Grooming Bills!
Furthermore, in the current company holdings, the OODH Lumber division and Real estate division each share a common thread, in that, as more New Home Construction occurs 2015 to 2037 (Death of SSA)... the higher the demand for both of these two invaluable resources will become. The ol' I-101, "Supply vs. Demand" being out of balance in our favor is perfectly fine with me! That is, so long as OODH continues to target and capitalize on these two fundamental housing resources exactly as it has been doing since 2010. For more information about other OODH ventures, company updates and new acquisitions, you'll need to visit the OODH corporate website located at
That's how we do it... do you do it? Maybe KO, MMM, VZ or WMT would make a good fit in your retirement portfolio, that is, if you have over $500,000 in your nest-egg already but if you have under $50,000 saved up for retirement today, then OODH is the growth stock you need to look at very seriously!
The Island of Protection investing concept mentioned earlier brings to mind one rather well-known investor, who by the way, is also an OODH shareholder, Mr. Warren E. Buffett, Chairman & CEO of Berkshire-Hathaway (BRK), a holding company. Mr. Buffett's epic path, using "Motes" for protection, forces me to elaborate on exactly what we do at OODH because for over 50 years, Mr. Buffett has "Skipped" along a very similar path to financial success. Buffett began his holding company (BRK) journey soon after converting a terribly failed "loser" textile company venture into a holding company in the early 1960's (Mr. Warren Buffett was basically making underwear and panties).
Fortunately, for the BRK.A shareholders, the new Buffett controled holding company's direction was based solely upon the exact same teachings of Benjamin Graham that we use today at ORION DHC. Even using Graham's ideals, Buffett has had some serious issues in capital allocation and asset acquisitions over the years; such as, his financial fiasco at "Dempster" but we can't walk around all high and mighty ourselves... and simply fail to mention that we've also had our share of financial mishaps at OODH as well (we just don't talk about them publicly! lol ), and OODH will most certainly have a few more incidents along its long road to massive wealth creation. Regardless, we still follow Mr. Buffett, not only because Mr. Buffett is an OODH shareholder, but because he was a student of Benjamin Graham, he drinks Cherry Coke and he likes oil wells probably as much as we do! FYK: Buffett holds roughly $4.23B of his net worth in Exxon Mobil Corp. ($XOM), not necessarily a small oil holding. Told ya! Warren really loves his oil wells.
As an aside, let me clear something up real quick...when people jokingly call me "Warren Buffett Jr." there's actually a little more to it than just a novel "Nickname" given out on some scandalous message-board by a short-winded, penny stock investor hell-bent on a name-calling rampage. In fact, I really do religiously lead OODH through the investing ideals of Ben Graham's Value Investing principles and try to avoid some of Warren E. Buffett's most ghastly investment mistakes. Yes, that's exactly how I run the OODH daily business operations! Sorry Warren... just sell your OODH shares if you don't like our frigging business plan. Ahhhhh, we didn't think so! Lol
In closing, I'm personally honored to serve OODH shareholders for the remainder of 2014 and well into 2015 ("Board-Willing" and "Lord-Willing" and I kindly thank our hundreds of investors and stakeholders alike for their many-many years in partnership with OODH. As always, Our success is your success!
("Carpe Diem" ~ Horace)
What? You Don't have any OODH shares in your retirement portfolio?
Make sure you call your broker right now and at the very least get stock ticker OODH put on your investment watch-list... and yes, we really meant it, check out OODH for your personal retirement portfolio, especially if you're an employee of the U.S. Social Security Administration!
Best Regards,
Randy L. Hoff
Chairman & CEO
* Shareholders who own more than 2,000,000 publicly traded shares of OODH ($25,000 INVESTMENT OR HIGHER, DEPENDING ON MARKET)
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