it all starts with knowing what you own. penny stocks like this do not come around very often. and people make mistakes in evaluating a previous holding, then carrying that baggage to other stocks. know what you own, it is the only way to make wise choices and decide how to leverage each opportunity.
i know more than a few holders with over 130million shares. the stock has no dilution, ungagged ta, and has come through some very bad times with incredible upside potential in a very real and new business. most are holding any core shares they purchase below a target price (like a penny, 1.5 or 1.75-2 cents) then they trade off their core holdings to reduce their cost average and to maximize tax benefit of holding shares for a year or more. the shares they trade now, they expect to set a no-trade timeline, or up the price target, as the company, business, developments and operations/progress warrants. that's how i am rolling here, that is my strategy
so no one can tell you what you should do. i haven't sold one share under my target 1.5 till news and then i will likely lift my target accordingly to 02-025 probably. i look to understand the business, decide the potential, look at the tax situation and i evaluate all stocks differently as no two are the same. this one is pretty unique in that they have the jv for financing and their are no dilutive issues (thats a very big deal as shorters can only try to target market cap and profit to exploit gains) and many nearly countless other reasons ill not address
basically, i am only trading shares i know i can re-buy for sure and avoiding selling shares i doubt will be around in the next 3-6mo because the long-term tax benefit offsets the short-term gain and cost averaging opportunity.
again, without dilution and the disastrous cumulative and exponential effects they have on a stock (especially where short selling is concerned) peeps need to know what they own, develop a strategy and stick to it.
this stock has .2-.3 written all over it in the next 2-3 years, at least that is what my research says and i am acting accordingly. i am so thrilled with this stock i can't even control myself, but everyone has to trade, invest, buy, sell or hold according to their intelligence, experience, wisdom and DD
sorry, can't and don't ever tell anyone what to do with their money. i know many who have sold sub-$01 shares and my research tells me that was a bad move. that doesn't mean the price will never, or was never to go there, and there are a ton of factors to consider too- like how big a position one is carrying. the lower price ranges will not really allow for re-loading large positions, so there is that to consider too and what factored into my plan, my strategy and comments here. this is a stock most will wish they built a very large position in when all is said and done. next year around this time, i bet we are looking at having broken up through $.1 and for folks who sold sub $01 positions (again considering tax elements) that is a huge amount of money LEFT ON THE TABLE.