I see many people posting on Ijunk about how sorry they feel for everyone who invested in MMTE. Let me just say that I too am sorry that so many lost so much. When I posted that William lied to my face about the lawsuit, I was bashed for it. However, investors must understand that myself and Okoil were with MMTE for years, and long before most others even heard of this company. During this time I was in constant contact with William, and he responded to me before all others because of my long history with him. So, his lie to me regarding the lawsuit was telling. Brian told me William had changed just before he left MMTE. Brian said he changed almost overnight. From this point on, I could not trust William, and I found it hard to believe that others still did. It is what it is, and no one needs to like it. When I later came back to the MMTE board and read posts that seemed (to me) to be really bizarre, I commented that these posts should not be made, because no one knows if any of the things stated would come true. Once again, I was slammed. Finally, I contacted William personally and asked about the statements being made that MMTE would merge with TTXP. William told me these stories were all nonsense. I posted the e-mails from William that stated that these stories were nonsense, but again they were bashed and removed. So now we are here. People were betrayed or at least feel this way, and your money is gone. I sympathize with all who lost money here, and wish you the very best.