Just FYI, something for those on the sidelines and everyone else to think about, the par value for this stock is $0.001 per share which means just under $1.5M in direct valuation for the company. This is very interesting because the 20,000 units coming this month have a retail value of $1.5M according to the PR. The current share price is only a few tenths of a cent above par value for the stock. In my opinion, that is a ridiculously amazing price point for anyone still thinking about taking a position in RFMK. I know I am sounding like a pumper but I truly believe that getting in at any price near par value for any stock is an incredible opportunity. Think about it. Where is the downside from here? It is going to go to par value, $0.001???! Anything is possible, especially on the PK exchange but I think that price point is just simply ridiculous. Just my opinion. There is so much potential for RFMK, not to mention that par value, only a few ticks away, already represents the intrinsic value of the company, at the very least. Remember too, the balance sheet showed a few hundred thousand dollars in assets with no liabilities as well.
In my opinion, anyone selling down at these levels just over par is nuts or else is naked short selling ad infinitum and cares nothing about how low the PPS goes because in a massive naked short selling operation the seller is just dumping fake IOUs into the market for 100% profits and then closing up shop before the law catches up. I am not claiming this is happening, I am just saying that at some point, (I think at par value at the very least), the stock becomes so undervalued that it becomes a good investment opportunity IMO. As TopDog would say, "GEEEEEEZ"!
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