$AMBS at 5 cents? Closed down 28%? You guys do not under stand how big their trials with MANF are. Big pharma could come calling anytime soon. Micheal J fox foundation has sent funding and continues to assist in funding. This could be a $1, 12, $45 stock if they get through phase 3. Shorts are playing a very dangerous game here. it is AT BOTTOM here watch how ferocious the bounce is going to be it almost hit 9 cents yesterday, this pullback was HEALTHY, newer STRONGER hands coming in, and BIG MONEY hits on the ask LOOK at the trades today. Look at what the CO FOUNDER of Amgen AMGN recently stated. This no ordinary penny stock here, only 1 00 million o/s and 250 A/S See you at 15 cents
Dr. Rubinfeld co founder of Amgen said "I believe in MANF, I have reviewed a great number of technologies in my 45 year career in the biopharmaceutical field, and I believe that MANF could be one of the biggest successes that I have ever seen"
How about Micheal J Fox
"The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research deploys financial and intellectual resources at every stage of drug development to attract and expand investment in Parkinson's disease by pharmaceutical companies and follow-on funders. We share the risk of investment in promising drug targets, funding work that builds the case to advance them toward the clinic. Our on-staff PhDs and business-trained project managers collaborate closely with both industry and academic research teams to generate and support the most promising ideas that will speed potential treatments toward pharmacy shelves. Today we can say with confidence that the model we have built is accelerating progress. "