A very good, true, thoughtful & provocative post that you posted, jspax7, for anyone drawn to the truth & facts of the facts & truth. ''Blessed is the nation whose GOD is the LORD'', as it reads in an old BOOK somewhere. A spoiled, self-centered, sinful, rebellious child, that grows up into an adult that persists in the same kind of behavior & attitudes, sooner or later FINALLY gets his or her ''up & comin's''. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, sadly enough to say it, may have finally passed the point of no return, because of the tremendously large 'block' of people controlling, running, and influencing & doing this (once?) great nation. Unless AMERICA (taken as a whole) 'repents' of the 'bad way & kind of things that 'he or she does,' & kind of 'person' that 'he or she has become': WELL, GOD HELP US ALL! In JESUS NAME, AMEN. MAY GOD BLESS JR & KMAG, also, FOR IF HE WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO, then all we longs shall be blessed & increased, also! GO KMAG! So, as I have said before, I will say it again: If JR is still & always has been basically honest & true, and only telling the truth, and only trying to honestly & truthfully have his company to become successful & prosperous, THEN HE SHALL BE VINDICATED & KMAG SHALL BE REINSTATED, AND WE ALL SHALL BE BLESSED & INCREASED, ALSO! I STILL REFUSE TO THINK ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY, nor do I have ANY verifiable reason to think anything to the contrary, or to think in a negative, contrary way about him &/or KMAG!