From: Sangster, Pam (MNDM)
Sent: March 12, 2012 11:43 AM
To: 'irishgold10@aol.com'
Cc: Watkins, Michelle (MNDM)
Subject: attention re Hindon Copper property
Dear ,
Your request was forwarded to my office for response by MNDM Mining Lands,
I assume you are referring to the Dupel Copper occurrence located on Lot 3 Con 3-4 in Hindon Township.
The site is a discretionary occurrence currently held by JD Exploration Inc. as an unpatented mining claim recorded in 2011.
There has been no documentation of mining or extraction on the occurrence. Exploration work submitted for assessment credit from previous holders of the property has been of a preliminary nature only.
The following excerpt from Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 5660 describes the occurrence:
“Within the migmatite zone of the Fishog Subdomain (Figure4), gabbroic and dioritic gneisses containing disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite are present on lots 4-7,
Concession 2;and lot 3, Concessions 3 and 4 of Hindon Township, only 3 km north of the north-central boundary of the map area (Figure 4).Dupel Mines Limited and Imperial Oil Limited reported average grades of lft-2% copper from this occurrence (Assessment Files Research Office, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto). Similar
gneisses within the Anson area may contain similar copper mineralizaton, although none was observed by field party personnel.
More specifically, Easton et al. (1985) suggested that gneisses of unit 1 in the Digby-Lutterworth area may also be favourable hosts for copper mineralization on the basis of their overall mafic composition. Several new assay samples collectedon the north shore of Lutterworth (Devil's) Lake (lot 2*f, concession 13, Lutterworth Township), 400 m south of the
south-central boundary of the Anson area contain copper at four times the backgound level for these rocks (180 ppm was the highest value, background levels are 35 ppm, based on several non-mineralized samples reported in Easton, 1986a), and confirm that these rocks may contain local copper concentrations.”
Easton, R.M. 1987 Geology of the Anson Area, Haliburton and Victoria Counties and Muskoka District; Ontario Geological
Survey, Open File Report 5660, 133p., 16 figures, 5 tables, 12 photos, and l map in the back pocket.
If I can provide any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you can provide me with any additional details, I would be happy to research this for you.
Pamela J. Sangster, P.Geo.
Regional Resident Geologist Southern Ontario
Ontario Geological Survey, MNDM
126 Old Troy Road
Tweed, On
K0K 3J0
From: Watkins, Michelle (MNDM)
Sent: March 8, 2012 9:17 AM
To: Sangster, Pam (MNDM)
Hi Pam;
Please see the e-mail below. I’m not sure exactly where the Hindon Copper property is located. I’ve looked around that township but could not definitively locate this specific site. I was checking unpatented claims in the township to check on assessment work.
If you have any information for this gentleman can you reply to him. If not then I’ll reply back to him asking for a more detailed description on the location. Once I locate the property I’m not sure there is anything I can provide him with anyway.
Michelle Watkins
Senior Tax Administrator
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
Mineral Development and Lands Branch
Mining Lands Section
933 Ramsey Lake Road, 3rd Floor
Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5
P 705-670-3006
F 705-670-5863
From: Irishgold101@aol.com [mailto:Irishgold101@aol.com]
Sent: March 7, 2012 5:16 PM
To: Watkins, Michelle (MNDM)
Subject: Re: MNDM Feedback - English; please TAA--thanks
Thank you for replying back to me. My question is have there been any applications filed threw the Ministry of mining, By either Therma.-Med Inc
to start any mining on the Hindon Copper property. Located in Hindon Township, Ontario Canada. The Company that was hired to do the Mining is Testone mining. Any information that you can give me would be great.
Thank you for your time,