Agree, that is why me and others jumped on em, oh, he got alot of shares that day to! I grabbed 700,000 about that day plus more since! just buy and hold!
Got to get em when they are selling shares to one another!
I'm sure I am not the only one!
This is one of em!
I've been shorting this great company of your stock since the day after the 2nd top at .05! Shorted your a** 30+% to .0067 today.
Thanks for all the money, but that was too easy. Try to make me work a little harder for your money tomorrow.
Here's how I see a chart
another one on the day when me and another jumped on em said he shorted it .0059, told him same thing, there are no shorts in penny, only mm, naked shares!
as you can tell, they go to extreme to get the shares!