I think its a fair statement that this stock has not preformed like it should, given what the company has going for it. Everyone knows there is potential here, even though there is little to no profits yet. Why aren't others seeing the same potential and jumping into the stock? And if they are... why is the pps not moving up... even a little. Usually when more and more people move into a stock... the price moves up.
Its easy to blame the "shorties"... but I think that concept has been proven invalid many times over. Why would anyone short this stock at this price??? Maybe if the pps could go negative it would be worth it, but how many shares would one need to buy in order to make some decent money from shorting the stock at double zeros?
Many arrived at ICPA from being day-trader flippers. When this stock pps was moving, people jumped in. I think many left holding shares now are really flippers at heart, but held on because they could see the potential. However being a flipper at heart, they are willing to wait a little while... but not a year. Hence the frustration that has set in, and the selling at any price just to get out of the stock until it becomes active again.
I personally don’t think the soon to be released quarterly report will move the pps much, if any. Unless the report shows like a million-dollar net profit, I just don’t see anyone jumping in now based on this report. Yes, I think this report will be the best yet, however whatever profit there is on the report will only support the “potential” concept, and not be a reason to go all in now, and hope for a great year-end report. Any amount less than a shocker will not be a reason for others to jump in now if they already don’t see the potential.
If people can’t see the potential now… what will it take??? How much profit will need to be on paper for others to jump in? A million, 2 million, 5 million??? People just don’t seem to be investing based on the potential here, and seem to be looking for the movement upwards, and at a much faster rate then we have seen over the last several months.