It really was a devastating hurricane narvo for those on the shoreline and makes me feel double blessed... peeps in the Northeast have hardly ever seen something quite like this... your scenario is not far-fetched and it is a great thing to be prepared. BTW, I really like the show "Revolution" on Monday nights where the U.S. hasn't had power for 15 years... quite frightening, especially were it to happen... I guess Mother Nature can show us that WOW!
Anyway, let's see what this week brings us with KMA Global, not that I'm expecting much or any news but one never knows... except as I always say it's all about what you know, your money and whether you believe... and I, of course, believe in KMA Global, Mr. Reid and our KMAG!
And, there's always aunt Eller as backbone reminds us... best to JH4 and his family as well as Jaime and his Susie! Glad to see Jaime's post on the other board...
Best to you and all with KMAG!