i suspect it comes down to what is considered honest dissent
no two individuals will ever approach their DD in the same manner
or time frame/time line >> what matters is a co.s legitimacy >> their
access to capital (which trolls on ihub have conditioned by rote as a negative)
it's anything but .. non toxic capital is required for growth and expansion >> which
is why JB's return to the treasury of X MILLIONS of shares and original funding by
those locals who know him best >> matter >> it's one PRIMARY reason that JBI
has evolved to this level >> another is P2O >> another is founder's *awareness*
of the *rigged* game played out on the OTC
funny how the oft touted A co *promoted* by so many JBI detractors has had
*years* (at least 4) head start on JBI >> with very little to show for it >> when
compared head on to JBI's evolution .. just one of the reasons I look forward to
them coming public via their IPO >> because there can be no more *diversions*
true comps can be done and JBI will be the sector's 800 pound gorilla .. without a doubt
and believe me >> JBI wants *competition* (real or perceived)
just ask cisco >> when juniper >> came on the scene (competition is both healthy
and necessary in this country's *regulatory* environment)
as always >> best to all JBI investors