I assume what you mean by "you're wrong" is the claim that the $50k/month financing is "cash", debt? I assume your claim to be that the $50k/month second part of the Ironridge investment is more equity financing?
Is that correct?
If so, then please provide proof, links, etc which can show that the $1.5M in financing by Ironridge is just more dilutive equity financing rather than what was stated by the CEO in the PR mentioning, "cash" financing.
"Ironridge doesn't do debt financing"
Oh, really?! Links? Proof? The Ironridge website is a general overview of their investment company and does not tell us anything about this private investment firm. LOL
Do you have some sort of inside scoop on Ironridge and know for certain that they do not or have ever done a debt financing deal with any companies they have ever invested in? Perhaps RFMK is their first company to engage into a debt financing deal?! Hmmm. If so, what does that tell us about how bullish and confident they are about the RFMK business plan?!! Wow wow wow!!
Thoughts? Well, I can say with much confidence that any comparison of RFMK to any other random start up company in completely different sectors, with the only common thread being they all shared Ironridge as one of their investors, is a rather weak comparison and does not tell us much about the potential for future success for RFMK. Re-read my previous post about my estimations based on the 200 DMA and what shares Ironridge has received thus far and you may get a clearer picture of how much the O/S could grow into the future; my rough guesstimation was about 1.66B shares, which would have about a 10% dilutive effect on current shareholders. At the current PPS of .0023, 10% lower would be a decrease in the PPS of about TWO TICs.
Perhaps the assumption that the PPS could move down to .0021 is enough to make you panic and sell out but for me it represents Ironridge getting paid off eventually for getting completely out of debt, having money to do the audit and get fully reporting and ordering 20,000 units of product for potential future revenues of nearly $2,000,000. So since the A/S is currently at 2B and I do not see the O/S growing much over 1.66B once Ironridge equity part of the deal is complete, then I am sorry to tell you Louis, but you're wrong; since 1.66B is less than the current A/S of 2B, it does not look like the A/S will ever have to increase to satisfy the Ironridge equity deal.