Thanks, scout, and thanks to Cheryl for re-posting my article about the MMJ stocks available to investors. I received quite a response from that article, many who appreciated the information and insights, and others who were just haters ranting that it was all just a pump. In truth, I merely wanted to express my own opinion and stay fair by giving only balanced information about what is out there to share what I knew about the opportunities in the sector with other investors. It is surprising how many out there, mostly lost turn-coats, weak minded and turned to the dark side, of whom assume very dark intentions, when in actuality, I merely hope to share my own thoughts on these matters in order to drum up healthy discussion so that I may learn and understand other opinions and get the investor base to discuss and weigh all the pros and cons. In some circles, it seems if you merely say good things about a company and things happen outside of your control which make it a bad bet then you are branded a con artist pumpster company shill and if you express a negative opinion about a company or stock then no matter what happens you are labeled a basher. I would hope that most interested in the industry rise above all of that and come together to have healthy debate on the pros and cons, always being fair and balanced, I dont think it is too much to ask, even in the midst of so many who have turned to the dark side of the force.
I agree, we are in good hands.