Thanks Kalstone. Here is a fact about OSIS that you may not know; they are involved with three companies that test for microbes in air, water, and food. They are also involved with homeland security which I find interesting. This is from one of my posts last year on another discussion board that unfortunately has become polluted and toxic. When I posted this before it was derided by one poster and the mere idea of this was called absurd, but the coincidence cannot be denied. Just food for thought, but don't great companies like OSIS keep searching for the answers to the big picture?
"OSI Systems may be a future key player in all this. They are manufacturing the MIT systems including the MIT1500 in the near future which will be based on testing without the need for culture. OSI Systems is also building the Biovigilant (Azbil Biovigilant, Tucson,AZ) airflow rapid microbial detection system as well as the Jmar (Jmar technologies , San Diego,CA) water detection system when this was formerly known as Electropure, a previous Michael Brennan enterprise. All three systems use the same laser based forward optical scatter for real time detection of microbials. The common link? They are rapid microbial detection systems for air, food, and water made by a company with with contracts for homeland security . Interesting wouldn't you think? Submitted in my humble opinion. "