Good to have u aboard-its tricky navigating a new board-I'm not very intiutive at that myself.
To post pics I had to use an alternate route suggested by Max-after saving pic ,browsing and selecting(as we do on other board)after pasting into "create post" select "insert/edit image" from menu at top,copy url and paste into edit insert image url field window and then ...
and be sure to pull on the triangle at lower right in the post to increase size of post to accommodate the pic
Also these fonts are too small-I saw and used a font icon to increase font on 1 post but do not see that icon now-and rip van winkle would wonder what this new language meant-
Max is there a way to increase default font size to 12 point font?
Anyway the new iron u mention is on top of the greatly increased iron estimates resulting from the recent deeper drilling on the Coloso