Cancelling the marathon is a "no brainer".Problem is Bloomberg had to come under pressure to do it,why?? Money coming into the city,pure and simple more taxes.Did he care about the impact on logistics and resources for his "people"? No.Just the thought of looking bad.
Words cannot describe my extremely low opinion of Bloomberg as well as the "Bloombergs" of the world.
If I wanted a "Nanny",I would hire one,not elect one.
Just watch in the future when you will have to have an annual physical and your weight will be reported to the state.If you weigh more than the "height/weight" charts say you should,you will pay a fine for being overweight.
That is my prediction.Liberals will ALWAYS try to get in your house and your car and into your family and micro manage your life.
Funny thing is , they don't live by their own rules.