I can understand Russ. Try looking at today like this. First, get a new perspective. Get up, go across the room, get up on a ladder and look down on all of this.
Go back and look at all the suspended stocks from that day. Look at how they trade. Some may not trade any shares anymore. Look at our stock. We did not drop to even .0010. We have had 17 million shares trade hands yesterday and today. You can not look at this like a normal pink trading day. On pinks trading normally you could have bad news or no news and have a massive dumping of shares with the pps tanking. When we see many trades like we have at the moment, their has to be sellers.
But only if there is an equal amount being bought. If you have no volume then you either have no buyers or no sellers. You could have both if you are sitting at .0001. It would be dead.
Today is a good sign. If there was massive dumping with someone wanting these shares then that person could just wait till they would sell down lower yet. These are being bought in the .002 range. These buyers are not waiting this out to go lower. They want them now.
You have to ask yourself today, not why are so many shares being sold. Ask why is there a buyer for all these shares?
As they say. HERE'S YOUR SIGN!
Just my opinion. Just remember. In the grey market, cant sell without a buyer. This is being bought.