I was trying to find out what the largest iron mine it Mexico had for proven reserves, because of Bobs past statement of possibly having the biggest iron deposit in Mexico at the Guadaloupe mine.. This is the closest I could come and it gave me goosebumps.. LOL!
"GAN, of which Minosa is a subsidiary, intends developing the 300 Mt Santa Maria Zaniza project in Oaxaca."
Going by this, even with the 6 billion shares, the in ground value would be near $1.5 billion, which would be .25/share if we were just to sell the Guataloupe claim outright.. This isn't even taking into account the other claims. If we have a half billion tons proven we are looking at 40 cents a share ballpark figure.. By my figuring, CWRN is just slightly undervalued at this point by about 24 cents or so.. LOL!