when there is a rational to add you are right, but this feel more like cheer leading, are you driving blind ?
Did we get any follow through on anything that was talked about. I wish it was different, I really do.
dont let this board become a blind pump for something aint deserving. when there is a reason to be hyped about, I will be among the first to join the excitement, but i see no reason to right now.
Zero follow through, lots of promises in the last 4 weeks or so, but nada to go with. now do we turn the other chick and just go hhhe yaaaa boooya ?
Sorry I cant be spit at and claim its raining, niter should anyone else for that matter.
Tom should prove this to be different and i mean PROVE to be different and not "promise" its "coming" "soon" any moment...what are we kids here ?