Oh, REALLY!, Just buy and hold and don't let fear get ya! We have 2400 icpa holders here, something alot didn't know even I, My be in part because of me saying, might be great for long term,like putting kids thru colledge, but it is because alot know this company has and now has potential and by proof, will be greater than it is now price wise! I'm am long and so are many others, trust me., we are here since last fall and more importantly this year! Say hello to ICPA honey badgers! 2400, I am surprised!
Just confirmed today, ICPA will be classified as a media company for the stock! I was surprised too, we are watching hollywood and friends builing a vertifiable company! Good Luck to all! Save a few for the long hall, after all it is free! Under a penny is a what, a gift!!!!!!