Well put JT. They don't understand that people MIGHT actually buy a paid subscription to that site if it were used for good purposes. After all, at the end of the day all businesses are about the revenue dollars and the direction that company is headed. It appears 'jeagerboy' was just backfilled into the mod position. He spews the same bullsh!t the others do.
Showing up to post some facts about Steve or IC Places is what we need to do. I'm sick of arguing with the people on there. One thing I have learned is "you can't fix stupid". We all appreciate Steve showing face and setting the record straight. The best we can do (other than buying and holding) is back his words up with our actions.
I enjoy this board and read up on info more often than I post. There is still a core group that has been here for multiple quarters now and will carry ICPA into next year. There is always room for newbies on that train.
So let's keep our chins up, looking forward to seeing how much ICPA has in the bank, and help others understand the value of this stock relative to it's price. It looks like Vegas might not happen in March 2013, but I can guarantee you I will still be here when it does.
Keep on keepin' on, Honey Badgers!
- Hawkeye